
Wednesday, February 6, 2008

You've Been BRAK'd! (Blog RAKed)

See this basket? It's HUGE. See the edge of a basket to the left of it? That's full, too! My baskets runneth over!!

I have this problem: about 4 years ago, I started a thread in the SCS forum titled "Confessions of a Card Hoarder", (it's probably still in there somewhere if you care to go look!) where I admitted that although I loved making cards (by the truckload!) I rarely sent any out! It was just too hard to part with "my babies". Fortunately, many other card hoarders came out of the woodwork to chime in and offer their support, as well as card givers!

Over the years, as I started taking pictures of my cards, I found it easy to let go as I could still keep the idea or have something left to show I made it, but it's still a problem(clearly!). More often than am I sitting down to make a card with a specific person in mind, instead I have an IDEA in mind I have to try and make"work", and then when actual occasions come around, often I don't have anything that really fits what I need! (Dr. Feelgood isn't really appropriate for my 5 year-old kids at church, sorry, Carolyn!) I'm willing to bet money I still have about 85%* of the projects I made for the Dirty Dozen Gallery tucked away in various nooks, crannies, drawers, shelves around my home! Ugh!!!

Now, committing to make the cards for my church was part of my attempt to make sure the cards actually left my basket and made their way into someone's hands to enjoy! Putting together a blog candy giveaway with cards I've made was another! So I've decided that the THIRD STEP in my 12-Step recovery will be: ONCE A WEEK, I WILL SEND OUT ONE CARD TO A RANDOM PERSON WHO'S LEFT A COMMENT ON MY BLOG! You heard it here, now I have to do it!
I know there's a RAK forum on Splitcoast, but I'd really like to start here and make it a little less random, because I really appreciate everyone who's reading and enjoying my blog with me, and taking the time to leave such encouraging words! So don't be surprised if some day soon, I might send you an email requesting your snail mail addy: it's to send you a CARD, not to add you to some horrible mailing list, I swear! :) ( But of course, you'll always have the right to tell me "heck, no!")

I'll post the card once a week I plan on sending, for accountability sake, so be on the look out, I reserve the right to change up which DAY I do it, just as long as I do it every week! ;)
Thanks for reading! Check back tomorrow for a really cool little tip, I just need to finish the card. My new GinaK sets hopefully will be arriving today or tomorrow so I will be super busy making samples for the gallery, but will be posting some sneak peeks, so be on the lookout for those! I'm also planning on having another contest this weekend for the release, this one just for fun and a card from me, I don't have any more stamps to give away, sorry! But it does involve guessing all the details of the new set, so it will be fun playing and reading everyone's guesses! You can be sure if I'm seeing a lot of common themes (requests!) they could possibly pop up in future sets, you never know, I'll keep all these ideas filed away!

PS: If you entered my Hippy contest, could you please go ahead and email me your snail addy? Because, you know, you could be good places to start... :)
PPS: Does anyone know why my spellcheck button on my blog isn't working anymore?? Hellp!!! (the extra "l" there was intentional, bad joke, couldn't resist!) So to all of you who read carefully** and cringe over all my mistakes, sorry for the errors in the mean time, my spelling is excellent***, but my typing, not so much!
*Maybe 95%
** I dropped a big hint about something the other day, no caught it (or said anything if they did!)
***I won my school spelling bee in 6th grade


  1. I suffer from this same dilemma. I create cards just to create cards, never having one for the occassion I need so then I create ANOTHER card. Sometimes I've lucky enough to actually get it into an envelope and addressed. Sometimes I even manage to get a stamp on it. Half of those times it sits in the bottom of my purse until I find it months later, well past the birthday it was intended for.

  2. Well, I thought I was the only one collecting cards, LOL. I started making card like a year ago and since then I have a big bag of them, of course my begining cards are not too good (at least for me).

    God bless you

  3. What a cool idea on sending out your cards. I do the same thing, I have a lot of cards at home and just have the hardest time giving them away...LOL!

    Btw, yes the spellcheck is currently not working, i usually copy and paste in on Word and use spellcheck and then copy and paste it again to my blog. HTH!

  4. Wow! How generous! I just started card making so I don't have a "stash" yet. :) Love your blog!
    dana j

  5. What a great idea. I *usually* create cards for a specific purpose, but I still have a basket of cards to give away.

    Was your hint that you had *two* sets coming out? I thought it might have been one new set, and Hippy that you were referring to.

  6. Spellcheck hasn't been working for me on my blog lately either and it's really a bummer!

  7. Pick me. I love your cards. I only make cards to send away.

  8. Wow, what a haul! Lovely cards:)
    I tagged ya if you gots the time:)

  9. I saw the BIG hint the other day, but didn't say anything about it... now I can't remember! I'll have to go back and look.

  10. I found the hint! I found the hint! (I think) The other day you said "so I definitely think it was a wise decision of Gina's to move it up and you will be very hoppy to get your hands on it sooner, too! :)" You said HOPPY, not happy! So ther eare going to be bunnies!! Am I right? or completely wrong? LOL!

  11. Hi What a great idea I think I will do that too once my blog audience gets more than just family as they get lots of my stuff.

  12. Right ON! Handmade cards from Melanie, What?! And every week too, WHAT?! I'm totally stoked!! I think I know what you're new realease entails...I need Easter stamps, so HOP-fully it'll include some! And perhaps stamps and coordinating sentiments for *thru the seasons*??...trying to hang on till Sunday, but I just may burst!

  13. What a very cooooool idea!!! (If you use enough extra letters nobody thinks you're spelling is bad!! LOL) Now you've got me curious and I've got to go hunting for that clue..........hmmmmm.....where will it be??? LOL I can't wait for the release!!!! :)

  14. Besides the fact that I am totally excited about you having 2 sets in the new releases, I didn't notice anything else, unless hoppy really was hoppy and not happy!!!I will email you my address, since I keep bugging you with entries!!

  15. I love to get mail, I never get any (except bills and that doesn't count)!! We all hoard something, cards, DP, ribbon, or all of the above. Love your designs!


  16. I have one MelMel original...and I love it. Thanks for sharing your talent, Melanie.

  17. I too like to make cards to try out an idea and hate to part with some of them. I do send some out though. This is very generous of you and I would love to get one of your cards in the mail. Also really enjoy your blog.

  18. I am a huge card hoarder also. I have been trying to be better by at least sending a Bday card to all the family this year. I should send more unexpected mail because it always brightens a day. :0)

  19. This blogcardy sounds fantastic! I would love to see one of your creations IRL.

  20. Well I must admit I don't have much of a card collection at all. In fact I can't seem to hang on to them. Between selling them and giving them away I am always having to quickly make up a card at the spurr of the moment.

  21. what a great idea to solve a problem we all have! I love it. Good luck with you solutions.

  22. heya, I know what you mean about card hoarding, lol its too funny, i thought i was the only one, anywho I would love to one day find one of your cards in my mailbox, so please enter me in your lose-a-card-I-been-hoarding-all-this-time candy, lol....

    I love to read your blog I am subscribed so that i dont missa thing.... lol...... thanks again

  23. I wish I had this problem but I find that I seem to never have enough time to do cards like I want. I do have a suggestion about all you hoarders that want to or need to get rid of cards take them to you local American Legion or place like this or go to and pick a group of soldiers to send them over to Iraq so they can have cards to send home to their families. I have done this several times and would make like Mother's Day Cards and mail a whole box over there for them to share to send home to their mom's. I think it's a worthwhile cause that we so easily forget about all the men & woman over their fighting for our country and they would so appreciate it. Or find a local group of soldiers and mail them each a card every week. Can you imagine the joy on their faces when receiving mail? Just a thought........

  24. Okay, I have to add to your list (I'm sure it's longer than anyone even realizes): I am a card-hoarder-aholic too! I admit it! I don't part with them too often! I love your idea of sending them out once a week! I bet it'll be tough though! Jeanne

  25. I love your idea about this. I have an idea of doing something like this once I create a batch of cards. Every gal LOVES receiving a card (rather than a bill, junk mail) - nothing like a card to cheer a person up, right?

    Great idea!

    Love reading your blog!!!

  26. I understand your "issues". I always feel better once I have signed my name. I always take a picture so I never forget what I have done.

    Love your blog. TFS.

  27. I have the same issue with my Christmas cards! They never seem to make it to their new owners. So I end up donating them to church! I would LOVE one of your cards - no matter how old they are!

  28. OMGosh, what a wonderful idea. I love this. My name is Neva and I am a CARD HOARDER. I love to stamp and see what I can create sometimes on my own sometimes from inspiration from someone else but I have a hard time giving them up. I look at them and think "this really needs to go to someone I really like, or someone who might really appreciate it!" then I put it back in my stash. If it is OK w/you I would love to add your blog to my fav blog list on my blog. I love your blog and there is so much information here.

  29. It would be great to have a stash like that. I need to start making some cards so I will have them as I need them instead of having to make them the day I need them. Keep up the great work!

  30. Actually, looking at the basket of your work, I can understand why you haven't parted with your cards!! They are BEAUTIFUL!! You do AWESOME WORK. Although I would LOVE a "MEL original," I'm really just posting, because I want to thank you for the inspiration you provide. Sharing so many different ways to use each of your stamp sets (with instructions that are easy to understand and so very humorous at the same time) is very APPRECIATED!! I am DEFINITELY buying your Hippo set simply because I now have a lot of ways I know I can use it. I can't wait to see your new set and the sanples you provide. Eventually, I will have them all!! :)

    Thanks!! Judy

  31. OMG! I would be honored to rec a card from you,I love your work!!!
    That is a wonderful idea to send a card a week to your blog friends only! Thanks for the chance!!

  32. What a great idea. I know all about hoarding cards. My problem is I too often forget until the occasion is already past, so the cards never get sent.

  33. Oh please pick me! I love your blog and all your creativeness.

  34. haha, I hear you Mel!

    Yeah after digitally recording them it's has been so much easier to give them away.

    I started swapping my cards so they don't pile up.

    I've also put together my first card swap in December. Great cards so I think I'll do another one in March =)

    Would you like in? =)

    Happy Lunar New Year!


  35. I have the same problem when I make my cards or I make cards that I don't need!!! What a great idea to send them out I have never had any luck with the RAK on SCS. Thanks for all the great ideas you post. :) Kim

  36. I am the opposite way around. I make a few cards, then need to send out to special people or special occasions or RAKS... and I'm still in need! Can we blend our brains? LOLOL :) I wish I had that many cards to send out...yes I have kept the odd one, mainly coz I luv it so much and one day want to try to duplicate it, that is another prob of mine lol... :) Happy Day... tfs.


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