
Friday, April 18, 2008

Comfort and Peace: Sneak Peek #2

I am SO! excited! about this new set from Gina K Designs "Comfort and Peace"! I thought several of the greetings stamped together here (six, count 'em, SIX, all from the SAME set!) would make a beautiful free verse "poem", very similar to the wonderful Susan Polis Schultz poems if you've ever read them.

I don't have ANY greetings like these in my stamp collection, and now I'm wondering how I've gone so long without them (oh yeah, because I've never seen any offered quite like these!) It can be so difficult to know what to write in a card when someone is dealing with something so difficult, but I think these communicate all your loved ones need to know. They say much more than the usual "Thinking of You" and are more versatile than "With Sympathy". In addition to people dealing with illness and loss of loved ones, I can also see using these for friend who has lost a pet, someone struggling through a family crises, or just a very busy, stressed friend that needs to be lifted up. It's so important for them to know that not only are we sorry, but that we'll BE there for them. Some days I think I'd burst into tears of gratitude if someone sent me a card that said "remember to take care of yourself, too" What a good friend!!

TIP: I put ALL the greetings on a large acrylic block so I could ink them all up at once and stamp just once! Don't you love unmounted?? Before peeling them off, it would be good idea to stamp out a few more to have on hand, because unlike a birthday or anniversary you know is coming, unfortunately the need for a "difficult times card" often comes at the worst, most unexpected times, so make it easier on yourself to get a much needed card out a little faster. :)

Below is the inside of the card* which shows one of the lovely florals included in this set. Here I cut out a window through both the base and green CS with my scalloped nesties and sandwiched some vellum paper in between. These bold flowers (ink and shade directly on your image with markers before stamping**) are SO gorgeous, I love the tropical look, again very different from the many, MANY flowers I have. AND(it gets even better!), it's FREE when you buy three sets from Gina K Designs this month! AND, it coordinates with LAST month's free set, which you can purchase on the 20th and put towards 3 sets to qualify, how great is that?

You'll notice I didn't leave a space behind the window to write anything(you can put their name at the top and sign it at the bottom so it won't show through, though..), but what else needs to be said?(I hope no one would think me insincere for not writing a note when I took the time to make the flippin' card LOL!!! ahem ;)

More peeks of this set at Gina K's blog!

Okay, tomorrow: a sneak peek of MY NEW SET!** Wonder what I'll show, hmmm, I better decide soon! :) Any guesses??

* I stamped the "poem" on the white nestie layer FIRST, adhered to the base directly under the window , then stamped again on the outside of the card, it was very easy to line up this way! If you're a wee bit off, that's okay, gives it a nice shadowed look

**TIP: I hit it randomly with my old olive marker, not necessarily on the "shadow/under side", which I think gives it a kind of "sun-dappled" look like it's coming through the trees) :)

**AND the contest "candidates": are you ready to "get your vote on"??

PS When I have a minute to come up for air at some point during/after release fun/craziness, I will be emailing each and every one of you who has commented on the "Fly Away Home" post! I'm so sorry to hear how many of you are without a mom, but I'm so GLAD I posted and that we can all support each other/share our stories! BIG GROUP BLOG HUGGGGGGG!!!


  1. I love all the verses together like this.

    You're going to really laugh when you see how similar my preview is for this card. I've got it on auto post for about an hour from now.

    I'm so excited, looks like maybe you're rubbing off on me. Same colors, very similar idea. Crack me up!

  2. OH, this is gonna be a good GinaK release! Can't wait to see yours! Great card...very nice.

  3. Oh Melanie! This is wonderful. It's just the right thing to give someone who is going through something difficult. It's not too sad looking which is great. I can't wait to see your new set! I'm thinking some farm-ish or pet-ish type of animals?

  4. I love this!! I have the hardest time with sympathy cards, but that really does say it all.

  5. Ohhh.....Melanie!!! That poem you created with the stamps is just incredible!!! And I love the softness of the vellum.....definitely a touching card for someone in a very tough time!!

    Now....what sneak peek are we gonna see of yours??? Lemme guess.....Just So Swimmy??? Just So Fluttery??? Just So Smelly??? LOLOL Okay, it IS 1 a.m.....I get a bit punchy ya know!!!

    Can't wait to see the sneak peeks and more importantly....for the party and the shopping!!!!!!!!

  6. This is so beautiful!! I love how you did the verses, the big window, and pretty colors!

  7. What a gorgeous idea! Very thoughtful!

  8. You've really created a beautiful and thoughtful card with this stamp set! I love how you coordinated all the sentiments into a "poem". It's just lovely.
    My guess for your new set....hmmmm.....could it be a horse?? TFS


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