
Sunday, July 20, 2008

A Bit o' News...

In five years of stamping, other than submitting to a few SU! contests early on when I was a demo (with no results) I'd never made an effort before to get my cards published. It had always been a bit of a fantasy to see my name alongside of a card in a magazine, but I knew it would be a lot of work/luck to be chosen. Among so many submissions, the odds of being chosen seemed like finding a needle in haystack! Once I began designing my own stamps, though, I realized there was definitely a lot of value in getting a card using my images in front of a bigger audience via a national publication, and that*, along with reading about the success of my fellow stampers (from both our design team AND our faithful and talented customers!), was the incentive I needed to take the plunge! I'm so happy to report I got an email from "Cardmaker" last week that my submission using "Just So Hippy" (my very first set!) and "Hip Hop Accessories" will be in their March issue! ( on the newstands in February 2009) Hip hip hurray!!! (little bow, blush)

This got me to thinking: I'd be so thrilled to see more samples with my images in print, know what I mean? Can you help me out??? I'll be your BEST FRIEND!!!**

Cuddles and Hugs,
Melanie :)

* that, AND finding out it's not just to see your name in print or get a free copy of the magazine, they pay for these things!! :-O

**Hope this provides a little extra incentive to see what you can do with them and add to your list of your publications (or get the list started like I am!) hee hee!! ;)

PS It had also been difficult for me to decide which cards I'd want to submit, taste are so different, what i felt was my best work among five smaples I made might not be someone's elses first choice. TIP: I think I was successful getting accepted with what I submitted because I chose a card that was simple to explain and for any stamper to recreate. As I look through my basket now at some of the crazy things I've made for this blog (!) while some of them are unique ideas, they just involve too much work/would be difficult to explain in one papragraph in a magazine all the steps without having pics for each step, so these I'm probably going to pass on. Hope this helps if you're trying to figure out what to send as well, although I am no expert on getting published, just starting out obviously, but sometimes simple is best!! it worked for me!(this time, LOL! :)


  1. Congratulations on being published in Cards. I am a subscriber to that magazine and will look for you. Woo Hoo, way to go!
    Susan N.

  2. yahoo congrats on being published

  3. WooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooHooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Didja hear me from here????!!!! ;) Congrats!!!! You absolutely deserve it and I can't wait to see that issue!!!! Someday I'll get brave and try!! LOL

  4. Woo hoo! Congrats! That is AWESOME, Melanie! I'm so happy for you!

  5. WOW Melanie that is awesome news. I'm so excited for you. I bet Paul and the boys are very proud. Sure hope you are enjoying your trip to Chicago. I was a there a few weeks ago and love it.

  6. Congrats on being published...very exciting news!!

  7. congratulations!! February sure seems a long way away, huh? Keep on submitting!!

  8. Congratulations on getting published! I tried a few times several years ago, but didn't pursue it for long. Maybe in the future when life isn't so busy I will attempt it again. Thanks for all your inspiration.

  9. Congratulations on getting published. You totally deserve it. Way to go!!!

  10. CONGRATULATIONS Melanie!!!! I don't submit either and you actually made me consider it!

  11. That is soo awesome Mel! woohoo!! Congrats to you! Your ideas and cards are so awesome and inspirational, I cant believe you havent been published before now! And thanks for the tips...maybe one of these days....LOL!

  12. COngratulations Melanie, you are very talented and deserve this!! I have the same dream....but have not submitted anything yet! Your cards are just so fabulous!!! WHOOOOHOOOOOO for you girl - I am so very happy you realized one of your goals! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex

  13. CONGRATULATIONS!!! How exciting for you!! I've never been published either (for the exact reasons you listed too) but after seeing this I just might try. Who knows, right?

  14. Congrats Melanie! So deserved!!!! WOOHOO!!

  15. Congratulations on one of your cards being chosen for publication. No one deserves it more than you. I agree with you that magazines like 'simple' cards, that any reader can duplicate. But thats why I don't buy magazines, cause I don't need 'simple' ideas. I like to see more complex stuff...something I could never come up with on my own...that why I love Splitcoast (and your blog) and especially the dirty dozen gallery on splitcoast.

  16. WOW Mel,

    CONGRATULATIONS!!! An honor well deserved. You have some FAB cards on your blog.

  17. Oh, I am soooooo happy for you! That will be so great for your stamp line! I will difinitely have that issue. CONGRATULATIONS!

  18. Congratulations, Melanie! You so deserve to be published!! Your talent and creativity blow me away. Clearly CardMaker magazine feels the same. Luckily I just subscribed to that mag, so I'll be getting a copy of it when it comes out! Thanks for sharing your good news with us!

  19. Congrats Melanie. You are a fabulously talented artist and deserve to be published. The things you create just blow me away.

  20. Congrats Melanie!! I haven't dared taking the plunge yet... (most of the time I don't know where my paper or embellishements are from so... :-s)

  21. Congratulations! I am surprised that you do not realize how extremely talented you are. You are someone whose blog I look at everyday...for inspiration and motivation.


Your generous feedback helps make my work and this blog better! Thanks for inspiring and motivating me! :)