
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

"You Must have been a Beautiful Ba-BY..."

Every month, the Paper Craft Planet Super Nova Design Team pull together a huge album full of inspiration based on a theme. Last month, the album was "Spring into Spring". This month, to get ready for Mother's Day, our theme is "Mother & Child". What better way to kick off a new month than with a contest? No foolin', we're having a Guess the Baby contest! Are you ready? Match the baby with the Super Nova! Not just that... but you'll also have to guess who is missing! Yikes. Hard, I know. If you get them all right, you're entered to win stamps AND a $100 Amazon gift certificate to buy whatever other goodies you want! Check out the pics in the PCP forum today and list of desingers to choose from to start guessing and read more details on the contest!

More later! I have family in town this week, miss you!!


  1. How fun! I can't wait to give it a go. Amazing how adorable all you Super Novas were (and are still, of course) ;O)

  2. Enjoy your time with family. These are always precious times for me, so make the most of it! We'll be here when you get back to your routine. :)

  3. Have fun with your family, I have my parents arriving from the UK tomorrow for a month and I can`t wait.


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