
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

RAK Request

Did you know that October is Spina Bifida Awareness Month?? Well, maybe you didn't, but now you do! Giovana Smith, one of our talented CenterStage Spotlight designers this month asked me if I would help spread the word about a RAK request she is doing for her friend's daughter Rebekah who has Spina Bifida. What a beautiful little girl!

Here is a little about Rebekah and about Spina Bifida from her mom Nicole:
"October is Spina Bifida Awareness month.
Rebekah is a bouncy, talkative, happy little girl who has never let anything stop her. What's so different about Bekah? She has Spina Bifida.

Spina Bifida is a neural tube defect that happens in the first month of pregnancy when the spinal column doesn't close completely.

The effects of Spina Bifida are different for every person. Up to 90 percent of children with the worst form of Spina Bifida have hydrocephalus (fluid on the brain) and must have surgery to insert a “shunt” that helps drain the fluid. The shunt stays in place for the lifetime of the person. Other conditions include full or partial paralysis, bladder and bowel control difficulties, learning disabilities, depression, latex allergy, and social issues.

Thanks to new medical treatments and technology, most people born with Spina Bifida can expect to live a normal life. People with Spina Bifida have many special challenges because of their birth defect, but their condition does not define who they are. People with Spina Bifida have careers, get married, and have children just like people who do not have Spina Bifida.

As a parent of a child with Spina Bifida I cannot put into words how blessed I feel that the Lord brought her into our lives. That He would feel me worthy to be the mother of one of his special children is humbling and I thank Him daily for the blessing he has bestowed me."

How could I say no? Can you help shower her with a card? And hey, about a card for this wonderful mom, Nicole too?? (and maybe also one for Giovana for organizing?? LOL! whatever you can do! this story just touched my heart today!) :)

Please send the cards to:

Giovana Smith
"Cards for Bekah"
181 Perry Way
Yakima, WA 98901

Thanks so much for your help!! God bless! (I have a really sweet little project to share, pictures uplaoded soon!) :)


  1. Bekah is gorgeous!!I will get a card made this weekend and into the mail for her! Thanks for sharing this!

  2. What a cutie! I made one for her and had it addressed and added a few more and will pop them in the mail this afternoon.


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