
Sunday, January 31, 2010

Some Sunday Inspiration

We all have colds in our house right now which has left little time for stamping; fortunately though I have been meaning to spotlight some of the beautiful creations my dear readers made to celebrate my two year anniversary illustrating at the beginning of January. So it's not a post with 50 cards, I am sharing just a few at a time, and I thought a little assortment of "A Year of Flowers" cards would brighten this chilly, gray day...
This pink lovely was created by Brenda Turner. Love how she framed up the one rose in the oval and if you look closely she made a really special pink background stamping more of the leaves tone on tone and sponging it, so delicate and perfect, what a great look!
This next on is by Vicki Dutcher. I love the contrast here of the black with the eye popping turquoise and warm yellow and orange, so cheery!! The flowers are stamped on colored cardstock as you can see, Vicki really has a way with those sponges to give them some variation, doesn't she!? (She has a new blog so be sure to go check her out and add her to your "list"!) :)

Today's last card is by Diana "The Coloring" Queen. (hee! hope it's okay I called her that, couldn't resist!) Her coloring of these antique roses and the wreath she made encircling them with all these cut leaves had my jaw on the floor! And here you see the inside, what a great design to allow your recipient more time to ogle these beauties!

I hope you've enjoyed these cards, I will be back to share more customer creations that really inspired me, on a day I'm in a sillier mood I will be sure to share some animals and tee cards! (On a day I'm hungry you'll get some "cookies", etc! LOL!)
Hope you have a terrific week! I have to get well fast so I can stamp up a storm when the new sets arrive in a couple days for our February release! Any guesses what I designed this time for you? Look for clues on this blog, I feel like dropping lots of hints this month! ;)


  1. Beautiful cards from these ladies! Looking forward to seeing what you have illustrated for us next :o)))

  2. Melanie...oh my stars!! I sat down to check out your blog this morning and almost spilled my coffee when I saw my card as one of the 3 you featured today!! LOL Thanks for the new title by the way;D. What a fun way to start the day! Thanks sweet lady. Hugs, ;D Diana Q.

  3. These cards are sooo beautiful. I think the clue is in the cards and on your sidebar....LOL! I got it, I got it....that gorgeous flower set!!! Am I right? Thanks for sharing them and I went to all of their fabulous blogs! TFS! Hugs Lori

  4. Melanie, The cards you shared are beautiful! Thanks!

  5. WOW! What a pleasant surprise to be featured on your blog! After Diana wiped up her spilled coffee, she informed me to get on over and check it out! Thanks so much Melanie for adding my blog too!! How sweet are you!! Can't wait for your new set!!

  6. hope you are up to stamping soon .... no idea what your next release is .... I will wait for the hints before I venture a guess.

  7. I remember seeing each of these gorgeous cards and was so glad to take another look! Hope you're all feeling better soon!

  8. Melanie Thank you so much for showing my card. When I took a peek at your blog and one of my cards was there I was shocked and very happy that you liked it enough to share. As you already know A Year of Flowers is my all time favorite set. I look forward to seeing your next set. Hope you all are feeling better.

  9. Pretty cards. I love this set sooo much, want it sooo badly! Get well soon.

  10. My guess is "flowers"!!!!
    Jan Castle

  11. I remember these cards! they are definitely show how Diana did those leaves and the cutout, Brenda's rose was so delicate and real looking and Vicki's! pops doesnt it!!
    thanks for sharing them again!
    hope everyone is well quickly (:

  12. The only word I can think of is GORGEOUS. These cards are all GORGEOUS. Great selection for inspiration and celebration of your 2 years, Mel.


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