
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Week 3 with Diana Queen

Today I have another "Pressed Flowers" card from Diana Queen, that completely charmed me once again when I opened the attachment. :).

Stamping these bold flowers in deep coral on ivory paper is so stunning with this coral and idovry patterned paper, instantly makes the graphic print and image look they were made to go together, so try this in lots of different colors! :) The way she arranged them into this little die cut oval, surrounded it with more stamepd and cut leaves and then worked this wide matching ribbon in are just perfection! Love the green crackle DP, too, paired with the bold print it makes the card feel both country and trendy at the same time! Sentiment it from Say it with Flowers. I love how the sweet adhesive pearls under the quote and around the scalloped frame play off the dots in the background.

Here is Diana's list for creating this card:
stamps: GKD Pressed Flowers and Say it with Flowers both illustrated by Melanie Muenchinger
card stock: Gina K Pure Luxury in Ivory (card base, ovals and stamped images)
and Fresh Asparagus (for scalloped ovals).
ink: large flowers are stamped in Lady Bug Memento dye ink, small flowers stamped in frost white pigment ink and leaves are stamped in bamboo leaves and New Sprout Memento dye inks. (Flowers were stamped, paper pieced and shimmer added with Smooch pearlized accent ink.)
other: DP, tiny pearls, ribbon

Now let's go see what else Diana made today, I haven't seen it yet but she has been teasing me with it that it is really different so I can't WAIT! :)


  1. This is beautiful! Diana is just creating loveliness with your floral set. Love the colors and that sentiment, just so soft and pretty :o)

  2. Diana has created another "lovely" for you. The cards on her blog today are also awesome! Terrific choice for a guest designer!


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