
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Ouch :(

Just a heads up, I seriously strained my thumb last weekend while cutting all our fabulous new sets for the release next week!* It was numb for days but started getting a little better Monday night, however just some light housework yesterday caused a new explosion of numbness, I fear from the symptoms I am having it may be carpal tunnel. :( (definitely has been a lot of typing in the and desk work over the past two years to send it over the edge like that) little things like turning the ignition to start the car or cut out an image are pretty unbearable... resting your thumb on your dominant hand is, I'm finding out, EXTREMELY difficult

I am trying to take a break from as much as I can to give it a rest, as well as from typing (this is lefty one hand typing, probably will take me half an hour to finish this!) and crafting so I can hopefully be recovered to get all my samples done for our previews, they start Sunday night with my set first, eek!!

Can you say a little prayer for me? I would SO appreciate it! I am wearing a brace and taking anti-inflammatories now, may see a doctor if it doesn't start getting better. (hey, not to worry, though: whatever happens I have lots of stamp sets already completed for the next several months LOL!)

Have not been able to create anything new for the last few days (you may have noticed I am getting a little behind) so I am unsure what I will be able to post for the rest of the week, I do have other news to share and pictures but it is hard putting together a post right now. Following or subscribing to my blog will alert you to when I am posting next. Thank you as always for visiting!

* And I have to be clear that this was NOT after using my beloved Tim Holz pair I've recommended here and use faithfully! I have never had a problem with those but misplaced my sweet snips, and I was foolish not to keep looking for them and going back to my old craft pair in a desperate rush to cut our new rubber, and am now suffering the consequences! I have no doubt I'd be stamping right now if only I'd held out for "Tim"!! But yay, I did find them again, (but only after cutting all the sets, wahhh!) Tim I love you still!


  1. I will definitely include you and your thumb in my prayers but I think the real problem here is not the crafting! You need to quit doing housework!! It is detrimental to your health!! Hopefully you will be better soon but keep your priorities straight!

  2. Feel better! Make sure to get plenty of rest! For you AND your thumb! ;)

  3. so sorry to hear of your injured hand!! I have had lots of issues with carpel tunnel after injuring my hand and arm doing a ton of cutting for a project two years ago. I still use braces or wrist support bands everytime I papercraft and they help a lot. You should definitely rest your hand as much as possible, that helps, too. I hope your pain goes away and that you can get back to creating soon!!! Love checking out the great projects on your blog! Hugs and prayers sent your way!! :)

  4. My Dad just had his carpal tunnel operation but his symptons are not like yours. He has severe pain from arm to his finger tips at night. Yup! He did feel numb at times!! His case may be very serious already!! Will sure be praying for you as I miss all your great work!!! BUT health always come first....Rest more....Hugs!!

  5. Awww.... sending you healing hugs Mel! Take care of your hands girl!

  6. REST that hand. We'll say a prayer for you and you will be back cutting real soon!

  7. Get better Melanie. We can't be without your awesome inspiration!

  8. I just had surgery on my thumb - on my right hand which is my dominant hand. You have my sympathy! I was in a cast for two months and am now rehabing my thumb ---- who knew how important a thumb is! I'll never take it for granted again!
    Please, please please rest your hand and reduce the inflamation - maybe you can avoid surgery if you take care of it now!!!! Believe me, you want to avoid further injury and surgery - and all this stuff can wait.
    Vicki Doyle

  9. Oh no Mel!!!! Rest, rest, rest that thumb.... I am praying it gets better real soon for you. We never realize how much we use something until it is injured. {{HUGS}}

  10. Have the same problem from time to time and know how much it hurts...we never pay attention to just how much we use our thumbs! Hugs for encouragement and prayers for healing.
    Jan Castle

  11. So sorry to hear about your thumb! My hubby is having a similar problem only it's his pinky and ring finger. Hopefully, your problem won't go on as long as his and won't get to the neurologist:( I will keep you in my thoughts as I check each day on my hubby!

  12. If your thumb was strained and has become inflamed (rather than thinking it is carpal tunnel),- here is a remedy that I used and it definitely works: (It is the inflamaton causing the pain).
    Soak repeatedly and alternately in hot and then cold water. As hot and as cold as you can stand. I had a strained thumb years ago when I had a baby in cloth diapers and couldn't fasten the pins!! Nor, could I allow this thumb to touch anything. I did this 'remedy' and the pain was relieved immediately and thumb healed within a very short time.
    Let us know if you try this and it works.

  13. I have said a little prayer for you....I guess I just need to be there to help....
    I do surfer from hand cramps....I usually type with a small pillow (fill with rice) under my elbow...for some reason it really help.....if it start to hurt I heat it up and in no time it's feeling cheap to make and work great with the moist heat.....

  14. Hugs & prayers going out for you! You're working too hard! Hope your hand feels better soon!

  15. Hugs to you! I hope you have a quick recovery and will keep you in my prayers.

  16. I am so sorry to hear that Mel - my dear mother got that after years of creating the most incredible counted cross stitch projects! I am sending prayers your way!

  17. Oh Melanie!! You are definitely in my prayers. I hope to hear that you are better soon. Just rest up and don't worry about WHAT you'll post, we all know you're trying to heal!! Take care and God Bless!

  18. Hugs and prayers going out to you, Melanie! I hope your thumb and hand feel better soon. There's no alternative but to rest it really well. We will miss your wonderful creations, but if you rest, you'll be back to crafting much sooner.
    Take care!

  19. I just read that acupuncture is very helpful for carpel tunnel. I LOVE those needles. For a skeptic like me that's a big plug for acupuncture.
    Good luck with your rubber injury. Can't wait to see the new stamps.

  20. Take care of that thumb Melanie! It does sound like a strain. Carpal tunnel causes numbness, tingling, burning sensations. I have had it for two years and wear braces every night to bed. Proper rest and not using it should go a long way toward helping that thumb heal. Strains/sprains can sometimes be worse than breaks --- just so you know what you are facing. Sorry you are hurting. You are definitely in my prayers.

  21. Melanie, I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I know how hard it is when you depend on something to get you through and it's nor working correctly for a while. So sorry to hear about your misfortune. I'm looking forward to your healing (God will help with that I'm sure) and all your wonderful creations!

  22. Praying for a complete and quick recovery! So looking forward to all the wonderful samples you will have for us for the next release!!

  23. will def say a prayer for you and thumb! You never know how much something so little can affect you till its damaged in some way!

  24. Oh, Melanie, I'm so sorry! I will totally pray for you! Especially with all that you have on your plate in the crafting world. Rest up and lean on Him! :)

  25. Rest that hand! I sympathize(sp?) with you. I am going thru therapy for a broken wrist after being in a cast for 8's no fun not being able to use your thumb or any part of your hand. Sounds like a strain ....need to rest that hand and treat with heat and cold. Saying a prayer for you.

  26. Get better, Mel. Miss you and totally understand that you need to rest that thumb. Will pray.

  27. I am praying for your hand to feel better quickly.

  28. Darling Mel, a prayer has been said and you take the time you need to repair. Your followers that are true to will understand! Be well!

  29. forget about cards and blogging! REST THAT WHOLE know carpal tunnel is nothing to mess with! we are all here for you when you are 100%...just not worth pushing it and causing that nerve thats strained now to be rest rest that hand!!! will keep you in my prayers...please rest your hand (-:

  30. Sorry to hear about your thumb Melanie. Rest does help a lot. Make sure you are taking those anti-inflammatory meds on a full stomach. Hope you are better soon!

  31. Hugs! Will pray for you to get better FAST!

  32. i have done this too. i was cross stitching like crazy for a week, 6 hours a day and low and behold i woke up with a terrible pain in my wrist and could hardly hold a cup. so i rested for many days no stitching and little of anything else. it will heal but beware it will always have a tendency to get a little sensitive if you over do it. remember always take a break when creating. mind and body need it. good thoughts your way.


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