
Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Just wanted to take a moment to share what my family did for me for Mother's Day and to wish all you moms out there a happy mother's day too! We went to church this morning and then shopping at the market so Paul could buy some groceries to make a nice dinner tonight. William had a mouse pad made for me with his spring picture so I can see his face (actual size!) all day while I'm at my desk and he's at school, and they both made cards this morning in Sunday school. At the market, Jonathan picked out this little cat creamer pot all by himself and paid for it with his money, the first time he has done that, very sweet since I used to collect cats before I started collecting stamps. I'm not really a coffee drinker, but he pointed out how nice it would be to hold little flowers and I agree! (They had carnations for us moms at church.)

Paul just took the boys for a few hours and I am about to head out for a little "me time", but just wanted to post and tell you I am praying that you and your families are blessed beyond measure this year and you find something about every day to enjoy. Motherhood isn't for sissies, and I pray God will supply you through the difficult times and reward you for comittment and sacrifices. Yesterday my devotional reading for moms was about "The Strong Willed Child". (I have two, how about you? ) What a blessing it was to be reminded how much God has trusted us moms with when he placed these very independent spirits in our homes, who one day if we nurture them right will grow into adults who will have strong convictions, stand up for their beliefs, and are capable of changing the world.

One thing I treated myself to (as Carolyn explained you have to buy these things for yourself and then just let the family know what they got you!) is this Flirty Apron (that's not me in the pic!) to make me even flirtier in the kitchen (sent a matching one to my mom, too! Hi Mom, happy mother's day! Won't she go nuts at family get togethers now that we can be twinkies while we bake?!) Now I feel like a yummy mummy while preparing supper, it's just that much more fun! I highly recommend!

Love and blessings,



  1. You're so cute, Mel. I wish I knew you in person. I'm glad you had a great morning. I have one of those strong-willed children, and I find it challenging, yet rewarding, to be his mother. I have traditionally gotten bored with things in my life and am always shaking them I think God knew exactly what he was doing entrusting me with this child and making him my son. Happy Mother's Day! Thanks for the continued inspiration.

  2. As Nicole said...I wish I knew you in person. You put so much of yourself in your posts, so it's easy to feel a connection to you. I'm so glad you're having a great Mother's Day. So many blessings already today!
    Thank you for sharing part of your life with us...and inspiring us!

  3. Melanie - what a wonderful day you are having. I hope all the mothers out there are equally as loved. I'm missing my mom today and it's a bit harder than usual since it's also her birthday. But we've got so many happy memories and that's what we focus on.

  4. What fabulous gifts you've received! My strong-willed child has been a blessing to me. When all of my friends were saying how difficult the girls were, with puberty, I just smiled. My DD has always been that way!!! She actually has calmed down a lot with puberty, lol. Thanks for sharing your family, I am having a wonderful day too! Rose bushes, fresh flowers and a home made card for me today. I purchased my expensive gift 2 seeks ago, tee, hee.

  5. Beautiful prayer intentions for us Moms Melanie - THANK YOU! Hope your "me" time is peaceful and relaxing! Happy Mother's Day to all!

  6. Happy Mother's Day! Your boys are so sweet. Sounds like you had a perfect day.

  7. HOpe you had a wonderful mother's day sweet lady! What a cute apron...(good girl, wink!)


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