
Thursday, May 27, 2010


is on over at StampTV, check it out! My guest designer this month, Janice Whiting, will be sharing some samples along with our team and Spotlight Designer, congrats Janice!

Now the news I know many of you have been waiting for, the winner of the Big Scalloped Oval Nestabilities set from earlier this week is:

Mary Anne / MA54K said...
I think I send out about 27 cards to family and friends for birthdays. The new set looks really fun, Mel! You can light up a room with the candles on my cake! LOL!

May 24, 2010 10:20 PM

Mary Ann, I think we can ALL light up a room at this point! LOL! I know your cards brighten our gallery! Congrats!

I also feel called to send some goodies to three more ladies who mentioned making all the cards for their church ministries: that is a big , important job, I know, I used to do it for the children at the last church I attended and I know how much families appreciated that! It takes a lot of time and can be pretty costly for all the materials. I haven't time to continue to do that since I started designing so I hope some extra goodies will help these ladies out a bit, keep up the good work!

Barbara Hale said...
I am so excited about your new set Candles on your Cake. It has been my ministry at my church to send birthday cards to everyone at my church and I am blessed to be able to send out about 250-275 birthday cards a year. It is so touching when someone, often our older members who live alone, comes to me and thanks me for their card and then says "It is the only card I get every year". I love doing it and I love having new and creative ways to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Marcia said...
Hi Mel: I am a pastor's wife and I make birthday (as well as anniversary) cards for everyone in our congregation. After your question I wondered about how many I actually do - so after I counted the church folks and the estimated the family cards - in birthday cards alone it is about 150 cards.

I tend to make several of the same design because some months I'm not creative enough to make 30 different cards:). I love your new set - it will make this joyful task easier!

Sue D said...
I like that the happy birthday song is a stamp. I've never counted how many birthday cards I make as I make a lot of cards for our church card ministry. The ones for my personal use probably is between 15-20.

Please send me your snail mail addys ladies!

Back to the party now! :)


  1. Congrats Everyone!!!! WooHoo!! Mel, you are so kind. Enjoy your goodies gals.

  2. I am so excited Mel! This set of dies was on the top of my wish list! Woo Hoo! Twirling, Spinning, Dancing! Congrats to all the other winners! I will send my deets over at STV. Hugs.

  3. Thanks so much Mel! I have been truly blessed by your stamp sets and designs!

  4. Congrats to all the winners! Prayers for your ministries ladies - THANK YOU for using your God given creative talents to share some of His love and light with others.

  5. Congrats to all the winners! Mel, you are so generous. :) Love that. :)


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