
Saturday, August 7, 2010

Urgent Prayer Request

We are leaving shortly for the airport but couldn't go without posting a very urgent prayer request for an online friend: Many of you might remember a young man who was dying and his family I did a RAK request for my first year of blogging, Marcus Russell. So many of you lifted up cards and prayers it really helped the family and him before his passing. This is a picture of him with his cousin Jessica, who just turned 22, but has been terminally ill her entire life and was not supposed to survive as a child, so her mom Nancy has always called her Miss Jess "Miracle Child". She really needs our prayers now. She has congestive heart failure and Ischemia of the bowels, plus a host of other medical issues I can't fully explain now, but she is currently in starvation mode, can not eat. Unless things turn around, she doesn't have much time left. You can visit Nancy's blog here, although she has not updated it in the past couple months as she has been so busy tending to Jess, so the extent of how bad things have gotten aren't recorded there, but she sent me an email the other night of how much pain her daughter has been in this past week, how much weight she has last and that she is now in hospice, many signs a couple days ago that the end of is near. However, she started improving a bit yesterday! Please, please pray for healing, comfort and relief from this pain will continue for Jessica Jensen and strength for her family, Nancy, Karl, Justen, and Brandon.

I will be gone all week and unfortunately can't help with sending RAKs but if you get in touch with Nancy you might leave a request for their address if you want to send a card. Thank you so much!!!!

PS a much smaller prayer request: that I find my phone! Lost it yesterday! has all my contacts, photos , videos I've taken since January of the kids events on it
:( Plus enabling me to check email and blog from it, I won't be able to do that while I'm away, so please understand if you email and don't hear from me! I am praying it will turn up when we get home!


  1. Sending up prayers for the family. I'm so sorry they have to go through this. Whatever God's will is, I pray the family will find peace and be uplifted.

  2. You are a wonderful person to do this, Melanie. Your in a rush, trying to find you phone and leave the house, but make the time to post this. Prayers make an impact, I'm happy to add mine.

  3. Adding my prayers for all!

  4. I am sending up prayers for eveyone. May God be with you.

  5. Prayers coming your way for Jess and that you find your phone. Safe travel.

  6. sending prayers now and will continue - be safe and have fun on vacation - buy a new phone at Disney...if you dont find yours!

  7. Oh - my prayers are with that family! Have a good trip!

  8. Definitely sending up a prayer for Jess! How sad!!!! Poor girl!

    As for your phone, St. Anthony is the guy to pray to! He finds ALL of my lost items! No joke! Best of luck finding your phone!!!!!

  9. Sending my prayers! I wish you a safe trip also!


  10. Oh Melanie, sending prayers to the family (and your phone)... hope we can all make an impact with prayer for such a dear suffering little lady and her family!

  11. Melanie, thank you for posting this RAK. I have an update on my blog now with my address for cards. Jess is continuing to decline and it won't be long now, I'm afraid.

    I hope you find your phone. I know it's not just a matter of finding a phone as all your contacts and info that it has in there. Be safe!

    Email me when you get a chance after you get home. If you get an email from me before then, no worries, I know you'll reply as soon as you can. ((hugs))


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