
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Chai Love You Forever...

Good morning! Today I have some special "Mugs and Kisses" samples to share from one of my past guest designers Melissa Shultz! Melissa gets a "repeat" spot because she loooooooooooooooves coffeee, but ALSO because ages ago she wrote to me asking if I would pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease come out with a mug set! Well, I thought that was a fabulous idea because... I had already started one! :) (still loved hearing from her, I always know when I get requests for something I am already planing it's sure to be a big hit!) So anyway, here is the first card she did, made with Melissa's favorite new set. ;)
Chai love U! hee! A punny girl after my own heart (and I think the main reason she wanted big mug stamps so she could add her little jokes!); ) She snuck in a couple of my other sets on this card: The U is from "Just So Sporty" (there is also one in "Little Tees" if you're loking!) and the "Sugar" is from "Have a Cookie". That's' a fun way to add sugar without the cube, I love this!

The next card uses the girlier cup and boy (hee!) is it girly! Tiara and sentiment are both from "Little Tees". Aren't those sassy print and glitter fun?! Such a fun birthday card! That's how I like to start my birthdays, with a big cuppa that declares I am Queen for the Day!! *
Thank you Melissa for sharing some mugs that tickle the funny bone (I know that's what my favorite mugs do), chai love you! Let's go see some more "Mugs and Kisses" inspiration on Melissa's blog! (okay, I just checked it and make sure you aren't drinking while reading the post, spew alert for sure in the her frst sample's cute comic appeal! eek, I love it) :)
PS I haven't really had time with all the holiday preparations to make anything with the "Mug and Kisses" set beyond my "pretty" Christmas cards, but once January rolls around, bring on the funny!!! (Have a hippy, er, happy mug I stamped up and cut out a couple weeks ago, but can't find it on my messy desk to finish the card!)

* preferably FREE coffee, there are several places that do that on your birthday, you just have to do a little research! ;) (research worth doing, he heh!)


  1. Thanks again for featuring me. I am so glad you like what I created. There will definately be many more mug projects in the near future from me as well. Chai love you for designing this set. Mugs!

  2. Totally awesome cards! Not only cute but funny, too!


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