
Monday, January 3, 2011

Sneak Peek: "Where Your Heart Is" and "Ready, Set, Snow!"

Welcome to our first day of Gina K Designs January Sneak Peeks! First up we have my newest set, "Where Your Heart Is", which began with an idea over two years ago and has evolved over time. Stamping has really broadened my horizons in so many ways; beyond crafting, I've met people with common interests but very different life experiences, many who are wives of men serving in the military, like Beate Johns, Emily Giovanni, and Carolyn King. It made the sacrifices that everyone makes in a family where a spouse is away SO real for me, I started thinking about doing a special set to honor people like them and that family members can send to each other.

Then shortly after Gina released her Kindred Spirits Moms, a comment someone left on Gina's blog really spoke to me and took this idea even further: from a woman who was a mom, and a stamper, but it was SHE who was the one away serving in Iraq and missing her kids, saying she wished she was able to be at home with her children like those Kindred Spirits. WOW. I realized the need for something that expressed the love between friends and families who are apart, whether that is months at a time, or just a few days or overnight because they are serving others, in any kind of occupation, was REALLY needed. Nurses. Clergy. The list goes on and on. Factor in all the people around us in our communities who make our lives better, schools better, churches better, through their volunteering, time and servant hearts and the thanks they deserve, I knew the perfect last few sentiments and the perfect image that would make the set complete. The framed hands (which fit the various rectangle Nestabilites sets) forming a heart is so universal that anyone would recognize its meanings, regardless of age or language: My heart goes out to you, I keep you in my heart, I love you, I'm grateful beyond words....

Hands are shaded with E00 and E21 (I will share a tutorial after our peeks are over, very easy to do), I colored the heart in between the hands with R37 and R59 and then sponged Antique Linen Distressing ink around the outside. A very simple way to show your love for someone, even my little boys know what this means! On the card below I used the same focal point but changed up the layout slightly to add a greeting. I could make a card every day with this set for all the people I owe thanks for making my life and the world a better place and those who are in need of prayers, and I still wouldn't be finished, but I'm glad to have sentiments that makes it so easy to express what I'm feeling. And finally one to a friend whose father is very ill. Paper is Pure Luxury Black Onyx, Kraft and Basic Grey Curio, hands are pieced on top with White Pure Luxury and colored with the same Copics listed above.
Perhaps more than any other past set I am so anxious for you to see all the greetings you'll be able to create from the sentiments provided, this set is very near and dear to my heart, but this peek is only a *tiny* peek of what you can say to show your support!

Next up we have Rupa's "Ready, Set, Snow!" It's finally getting chilly in Texas, so it's fun to pull this out now even post Christmas, but, of course still, no snow here!) I asked my kids to pick which image I should use and I knew they would both pick this one! They've only been sledding a few times but those are favorite memories of snow. I cut the white Pure Luxury layers with a rotary blade to make easy curves fro sliding and popped out the colored and cut penguins.

DP is exclusive to Gina K Designs and base is Lipstick Red. TIP: use shades of blue instead of black on the penguin to add some whimsy and make a better, "cooler" match for your snowy background. I used B66 and B37 for the penguins, BG000 for the shadows, Y35 and E07 on the feet and beak, R37 and R59 on the sleds.

The rhinestones flourishes are fun to add both bling and energy to the card!

Thanks for joining us for our first day of peeks! Have fun hopping to the other blogs from our fabulous design team!

See you tomorrow!


  1. AWESOME designs, Melanie!!! Love how you did different cards with the same colored image! GORGEOUS!! Your penguins are sooo adorable and brightly colored!! Just my style! *wink* Love the bling you added as well.

  2. Beautiful cards Melanie with your newest set. Such a meaningful stamp set that is sure to meet the need of many papercrafters as they create cards who do so much for their community and country. Hats off to you and your illustrating!! Love the penguin cards as well, the coloring and design just pop!!

  3. Melanie, what a wonderful new set! I love the clean designs of the first two cards. Such gorgeous coloring! What a great contrast with the third card, showing a softer look with that fab DP. Your penguin card is so adorable!!!

  4. What gorgeousness Mel! I love the inspiration behind this stamp set and your CAS is so very awesome with the bold red heart!! And love those blue penguins!! too stinking cute!

  5. I absolutely love your new set! I am a pastor's wife and I can think of sooooooooo many uses for this set - it is a must have!!! Love how you did the penguins sliding! How fun for kids cards!!

  6. I would love to live inside your head for a few hours! You are a creative genius. This is a wonderful set, Mel. Rupa's penguins are looking mighty playful! Both cards are amazing!

  7. your set is beautiful Mel. Only wish i could have played along today...still no stamps tho (hoping they come today!)

    love your samples and what you did with rupa's set too! Adorable!

  8. What a wonderful concept, Mel. I look forward to seeing all the sentiments. And your use of Rupa's set is too the bling swirls.

  9. Love them all! I think my fav is the one with the Curio paper and beautiful embossed frame. Hehe, truly, I love the ALL!

  10. Love the idea behind your new stamp set!! It's not often to find a set which has a message from the heart. Looking forward to it. Love the 2 cards you made with the set and also the super cute penguins!

  11. Oh, Melanie...those cards are incredible! I especially love the simple cards. Wow!

  12. Melanie- This is definitely going to be another best seller for you- it's awesome!
    Love those blue penguins- I would have never tried that, but will now! So "cool"!

  13. beautiful Mel! They are gorgeous cards and your words are lovely too!

  14. I love the CAS designs for your cards!!! I am a sucker for penguins!!! (wink)
    Valerie Martin

  15. Oh I really love the way you have used the hands making a heart stamp Melanie. All of your cards are really beautiful!

  16. Lovely cards using that same heart image...great sentiment!!! And the Ready Set cute!!!!

  17. Love the heart set and the little penguins. Great!

  18. Melanie, Gorgeous cards! I love the inspiration behind your new set and can not wait to see the full set!

  19. Love your cards always and you coloring skills are awesome. I especially love the praying for your family card. tfs.

  20. Fun cards, Melanie! I love the hands in the shape of a heart. What a great idea. And your penguins are too cute!

  21. Beautiful cards (as always!!) I especially love the one with the hands. TFS!!

    Debbie B

  22. I love what you have done, Especially with the Ready, Set, Snow. How cute with that bling!

    Your heart design really hits home. Love it.


  23. WOW! I so love your creations with the heart image - so creative and that image rocks - no sentiments needed.

  24. Oh my gosh - those just blew me away! I love your newest set (no surprise there!). The penguins are just adorable too!

  25. You have created a very special set. Rupa's penguins are so, so cute.

  26. Great designs! I love the simpleness of the first cards!

  27. I'm dying to see the whole set!

  28. Inspired by spouses of our military! What a great inspiration - fabulous women! Fabuous stamps! Thanks Melanie!

  29. Absolutely LOVE that image -- hands shaping a heart. And those penguins are just so cute -- I know I'm not going to be able to do without those, and I don't even like winter stamps!

  30. Those penguins are adorable! Good job.

  31. your design is awesome and thansk for shaing your talnet


  32. I love the coloring on the top one. Both sets are great.

  33. Beautiful cards. Your heart hands and sentiments are beautiful in this set.

  34. great cards! especially like the paper pieced one!
    new year, new blog hop!

  35. I love your cards, and am glad you showed how the heart/hands image can be beautiful NOT just in red! Two great stamp sets we will be seeing. I can't wait!

  36. Beautiful cards..u did an awesome job

  37. Wow! Love your cards and your coloring. Looking forward to the tutorial.

  38. Beautiful cards Melanie--your cards are amazing and so are your images! Can't wait to see more this week!

  39. Your designs are amazing and can be used for so many things .. Love it !!!

  40. I'm so glad you've designed the heart/hands stamp. I am really drawn to your second card where you have cut it out and I like the sentiment. Those penguins would especiallly trill a child. Cute card.

  41. Great new set...can't wait to see all of it. Love the cards. Love your stamp illustrations!

  42. Beautiful thoughts and your cards are very special

  43. I just love the penquins, they are so adorable. Thanks for sharing your ideas.
    Donna B

  44. Melanie, Thanks for creating such a beautiful set with all the "just right" sentiments! Your first pic of the hands/heart is so striking - can't wait to see your tutorial. Also loved your tip on the color of the penguins. Hadn't noticed until I read your comments, but they are spot on! I think these little guys will be perfect for a spinner card :) I think those of us in South Texas should get at least one snowfall each year!

  45. You're cards and coloring are absolutely amazing!!! You are one super talented lady!

  46. The penquin card is too cute!!

  47. I LOVE your new set Mel! I am in the military spouse club as well and KNOW this set will be a go-to for my hubby's future deployments and those of our friends, as well as the cards I send in to Operation Write Home - EVERYONE involved with OWH is going to want this set, LOL! I especially love the CAS style and shading on your first card. Your penguin card is adorable too, I love the 'wind' you created with bling. I hope you and your family have a happy & healthy new year!

  48. Oh, these are gorgeous!!! I simply love the way you have presented these stamps!!

  49. I love the rhinestone swirls withe the penguins!

  50. Your heart cards are so "rich". That design is perfect for so many occasions. And, there is no doubt the penguins are having fun sliding around in the snow!

  51. Awesome cards! Love them both. Would have a very hard time deciding which one I liked the best. Thanks for sharing your talents with us.

  52. your card designs are lovely! so elegant!

  53. Your "Where the Heart is" card is so beautiful. Those penguins are a heart stealer. Great designs.

  54. I loved all your cards and couldn't agrre more with your comments about expressing gratitude. A Gratitude Journal helps us to remember to be grateful for all that we have. Suzyq

  55. Ohhhh THUD!!!! Seriously those designs with your amazing hands could so easily be framed!!! Sign language holds a special place in my heart and this set is just amazing...I hope you can add to it too! It's such a blessing how many lives you touch!!

  56. Love that penquin. Thanks for the inspiration.

  57. love these cards, cant wait for the tutorial!

  58. Melanie, these are so stunning. Each so different yet so fabulous.

  59. All 3 of your cards are gorgeous, all are so talented, was going to say the first one was clean and simple, but it is far from that, maybe clean and beautiful!! And I love snow and love animals, so that set is a given for me!!
    Wonderful work!

  60. Thank you so much for illustrating such an amazing set and for sharing with us the inspiration behind.

    Love your cards with your new set and excited to see your tutorial. Your winter scene is just beyond adorable - cute, cute, cute!

  61. Love your sets Melanie. Your 'Where Your Heart Is' is my fav. Keep up the great work. TFS

  62. Adorable cards, thanks for the tutorial.

  63. I love your designs!

  64. love your cards the penquin card is adorable thanks for sharing

  65. The way you did the shading in those hands is just gorgeous, so life like. I can't wait to see this whole set, thank you for creating it.

  66. Absolutely LOVE that image,,hands shaping a heart. And those penguins are just so cute ..ur work is awsome!!

  67. Your cards are gorgeous. I the the hands cut out and poped up on DP.

  68. Your examples are both elegant and fun....thanks for the inspiration.

  69. I know that you get this all the time, but your work is amazing!! Your projects are so enjoyable to view, can't get enough!!!

  70. Great cards! Love the bling on the penguins...reminded me of sledding with a "whoosh" of soft snow around us! Thanks for the memory.

  71. What a fun penguin card! Love the CAS look on the first couple of heart cards!

  72. So glad you shared the inspiration behind the set! I love your stamp sets. Your coloring on the pengies is amazing! I wouldn't have thought of blue but it is fantastic!! And the bling really sets off the penguins. The heart set is going to be so wonderful for all sorts of occasions. Can't wait.

  73. Well, YA, of course your cards are AMAZING! Love, love, love! Such great ideas on how to use your stamp!

  74. Oh, so sweet and clean looking. Very nice for Valentine's Day with a box of chocolates:) The little penguin looks so cute in his wintery wonderland.

  75. Cute cards. Love those penguins... they look happy on a cold, windy day.

  76. Love, love, love your new set! I think my favorite card so far is your second one with the patterned paper showing behind the hands. Adorable!

  77. Your new set is absolutely amazing, Melanie! Thanks for sharing the inspiration behind it, too! Your cards are gorgeous! Love your cute card with Rupa's set, too! The "snow" drifts and bling are so cool!

  78. Love the hands/heart cards. Love the penguins too. Nice job, as always.

  79. Wonderful cards. God bless.
    Peggy Allen

  80. Beautiful, just beautiful! I plan on getting this set to use in my church card ministry, and for sending to my "boys" and their families for Valentines Day.

  81. This set is going to be perfect for me. My brother in law is shipping out friday for Afghanistan for 10 months, blech!! I plan to make a set of cards my Sis and brand new baby girl (only 6 mos old today) to use while he is away. Thank you for making this set :)

  82. Beautiful cards, I think I'm really going to want this Ready, Set, Snow set

  83. You are such an inspiration. Your designs touch us so much! Thank you!

  84. Oh, my your new set is stunning! I can't wait to own it. I can see so many uses. The penguin card is just so cute.

  85. I really enjoyed your story of the "why" for designing this stamp set. Makes me want the set all the more. Your cards are beautifully done, especially the layered hands.
    Jean McGee

  86. The most creative use of the heart that I've seen in years! Looking forward to the tutorial on the hand coloring. Thanks.

  87. LOVE the cards you did with the heart - so pretty! And the penguins - just SO CUTE. The bling and paper pieced snow are FABULOUS.

  88. Your creativity is amazing. It's always a pleasure to see what you come up with! Blessings to you & your family. ")

  89. Your coloring and designs are fabulous! You make me want both of these sets!

  90. Happy New Year!! We know where your heart is :) Thanks for the chance to win.

  91. LOVE what I have seen so far. Can't wait to see the rest of your newest set!

  92. Fabulous designs Melanie! You prove just how versatile that heart is - can be used for so many occasions. And the penguins are just soooo sweet.

  93. Melanie, you've done it again! I love your other hands set and can't wait for this one. I know it will be well used and well loved! Beautiful cards! The snowy sledding penguins are so cute. Plenty of sledding here!

  94. Happy New Year! Great cards, I love them.

  95. Your cards are very..very beautiful
    Thanks so much for sharing and God Bless.
    aka Mema

  96. Fabulous, beautiful cards, Melanie, and what an inspiring story about how this set came to be. Thank you for sharing the story and the beautiful set with us. Love your adorable penguin card! The fun blingy swirls are perfect for giving the card motion and some whimsy!

  97. Great cards, again this stamp is
    so universal and yet gets right to the point. The penguins are beyond
    cute, and my 3rd granddaughter's favorite. thanks for sharing.

  98. Just love your new stamp design Melanie, Where The Heart Is!! You are just so talented and creative and this stamp means so much to so many. Thank you for being so thoughtful.

    Your cards are gorgeous as always.

  99. What a beautiful & simple way to let someone know where your heart is! My favorite is the red one!

  100. Your Heart cards are all so pretty - it is so versatile and I just love your penguins sledding down the snowy hills. So cute

  101. Great card ideas! I love them all.

  102. I love the penguins and the layers for the snow looks so real!! Thank-you..

  103. Love your designs, can't wait ti try some myself!

  104. same image used and such a different look in each card. and the penguins are so adorable! linda patti

  105. Heavy sigh .. of peace .. the "heart" stamp will be a staple in everyones "stash" of stamps. The penquins are haveing too too much fun. TFS your work is beautiful.

  106. What fabulous cards! Looks like some wonderful stamp sets in this release. Love the bling you used for the wind whipping around on your "Ready, Set, Snow" card.

  107. I sure hope Gina K. has order tons this set of yours as it will sell out in a HEART beat!!! Awesome set and Thanks for reminding us about all the wondeful people in our lives!

    Peggy H

  108. Your cards are absolutely awesome...I have learned so much from your website and seeing your cards. I love everything about these new stamps...:) thanks for sharing

  109. Stunning cards, Mel. I love, love, love this new set you've created. It offers so much personality- as we can all relate to this sign.

    And your card with Rupa's new set is stink'n adorable. I want to get on and take a ride.

  110. Melanie, love this set. A definite addition to my Melanie collectiob :)
    The Penguin card is beautiful love the blues.

  111. These should really touch people's hearts!I always love to see how you color things and the pop of black is great.

  112. Melanie, I love your hand/heart cards, so pretty! And the penguins are super cute.

  113. Another great set! And I love the use of blues for the penguins!

  114. I love all of these cards!! I look at your blog all the time! You are a great inspiration!

  115. Wonderful cards! Thank you for sharing the reasoning behind the stamps. Love the bling on your penguin card.

  116. It really makes the stamp set so much more special to hear your inspiration for drawing it, thanks for sharing!

  117. your cards are beautiful; my favorite is the one with the paper pieced hands over the DP.

  118. Great cards...good to see another way to use the hand stamp other than as a Valentine card.
    Snowmen are adorable too...

  119. Am excited to see the rest of your set. So far I've seen such versatility in the design team's cards. And I love the reasons behind the set as well. :)

  120. I like how you brought the red from the background paper into the heart. I also like that you used it in a less traditional way for families. Of course, this penguin is an absolute favorite!

  121. Great cards and another great creative set Mel! The penquin is cute too!

  122. Neat stamp sets! Great cards.

  123. I loved all of your cards. Thank you for sharing.

  124. So cute! Thanks for sharing.

    Carol B

  125. Love the Hands. Hope the next set of hands do ASL signs.

  126. Your new set is gorgeous! I can hardly wait to get it in my hands. Your cards are beautiful! I love the different designs you shared with us; lots of wonderful ideas. Your penguins are super cute too!

  127. Melanie, Awesome cards!! The first two cards are simple, but elegant!! The third one just blow me away, I love the colors that you used and the DP is really pretty! Also Love the penguins with the bling!! Keep the wonderful work up!!

  128. Gorgeous cards! The stamps are a "have to" and love both of them, especially the animal one! Thanks for sharing!

  129. I LOVE all of your cards! So many different ways to put a beautiful stamp to use! Those penguins are darling too!

  130. Love how you showcased the hands in two very different cards! Love the swirly bling on the penguin card!

  131. Melanie you've done it again!!!!! I love this set and with my DH in the navy along with many of my friends husbands, wives, siblings and children too not to mention all the people that volunteer at our church or the hospital I work at I can see this set will get lots of use. Since my 2 year old always wants to make his own card whenever he sees mommy making cards and this bring such an obvious message I'm sure he'll love it too!!

  132. Fabulous idea with this heart and love the penguins.

  133. your cards are adorable and love the touch of bling in the card.

    thanks for sharing


  134. Great cards. Especially like the penguins.

  135. I love the rhinestone embellishments on the penguin card.

  136. Your cards are adorable and I just love the stamp sets that you have created, you are a very talented artist. And ditto I thank all of those that are away from home for one reason or another. I would love to have this set as my Grandson goes in the Navy in March, just six weeks after his baby is to be born.

  137. Fantastic design, Melanie, thanks for the story behind "Where Your Heart Is".

  138. I love your newest set. Each card was so unique and yet versatile. The penguins were so cute and bright.

  139. Awesome cards Melanie!! Love your set very much.

  140. Absolutely LOVE the cards you made. Thanks for sharing the story behind the stamp set. My husband is no longer in the military but works away from home up to four months at a time so I can somewhat relate to military wives. Looking forward to this stamp set - it will be used often.

  141. Melanie your cards are wonderful!!! Looking forward to seeing more with this set.

  142. Melanie. Your colors and designs are spectacular! I love each of them.

    Hugs....Tracy :)

  143. I live the asian inspired hearts one and your penguins are soooo cute.

  144. Awesome creations as usual, Melanie!

  145. Great designs and great cards! Love the coloring and your different cards showcasing the new stamps!

  146. Your cards are so beautiful..clean, not cluttered. Plus I love black and red together.

  147. Really anxious to see the rest of your set. Great design on the cards. The penquin card is fun too.

  148. Melanie, Love your CAS helping hands cards (especially the kaki and green_ and the pinguin card is wonderful!!!!

  149. I love the diffrent designs on the heart stamp. You showed us that it can be used for many times. I am in love with the penguins. They are so cute

  150. Your cards are gorgeous, Melanie! (fantastic coloring - looking forward to some coloring tips!) Thank you for sharing the inspiration behind your fabulous new set.

  151. Oh my Goodness!!! Fabulous--wonderful--and absolutely darling!!You made the penguin "come alive"-- I can almost hear them "swishing" down the hill!!! The hands are spectacular, especially with the idea behind them!!! Thanks for sharing your great talent!!

  152. Melanie, thanks for the wonderful designs. I took a peek at your previous entries, and found that you have a wonderful talent for using color and texture in your creations. Very inspirational! Thanks!

  153. What fun stamp sets! Thanks for all of the great ideas!!!

  154. Lovely use of my new favorite stamps!

  155. Melanie, I have to say, that your cards are really wonderful, full of inspiration. Your cards are so simple but yet so powerful. I love them. Great job. I always love everything you design. Have a great New Year

  156. You've done these stamp sets proud with your beautiful creations.

  157. Your stamp set and cards have touched my heart me the inspiration to continue to use my abilities to reach out to others. Thank you

  158. Well, you've surely done yourself proud! And provided us all with the inspiration to let folks know of their importance in our lives. Thanks, Melanie

  159. Melanie, you are so sweet. The cards you made with your new set are GORGEOUS! I LOVE the ones where you colored the heart dark red. Beautiful.

    The card with the penguin is darling! Gorgeous coloring and layout!

    Have a wonderful 2011! Hugs and smiles

  160. Those cards are amazing!

  161. Melanie -- I am always in awe of your talents! The heart cards are really special, and the penguins are so cute! Love the bling flourish!

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