
Saturday, March 12, 2011

I Get By with a Little Help

from my friends! Now poor bunny is sick and Speedy the turtle is helping out! I actually took a photo of this card BEFORE I cut into yesterday's card to make the spinner, just thought it was a fun variation, I do play with all my pieces and take photos just in case! I experiment with lots of different layouts to see which appeals to me most before I use the "permanent" adhesives... ;) Which is your preference?? (hint: not doing the spinner is much easier, but not quite as fun in the end)

Hope you're having a hoppy, er, happy day!


  1. I love them both!
    I think the spinner one however edges it out a "hare"! (sorry,bad pun! tehe)
    Thank you for sharing,it is adorable!
    Hope you are having a great weekend!

  2. I love this one. In fact I am
    making a get well card now for
    a friend. This will be perfect
    putting the rabbit on top of the
    turtle. Thanks for the idea. I
    love all the different ways you
    are doing these stamps.

  3. Thanks for the giggle - I think this is the card that appeals most to me :-)

  4. Love them both as well! For some reason, this one is cuter - so sweet how the turtle is "helping" the bunny!

  5. Now is this what they call a leg up?!
    Good buddies do amusing and amazing tasks for each other. What fun to see your spring time cut outs when we are in the midst of snow ice melt runoff flooding. Deer are eating the fresh iris springs and spires so hope enough energy is in those tubes to make blossoms if the deer head out into the sagebrush lands. Meantime, mud abounds where ice has melted. Keep Looking UP!

  6. I love the way you colored the turtle. I really like the card.


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