
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Wow! Sweet Deal on Menu Planning Service I Use

So remember the dinner planning service I mentioned last year, The Six O' Clock Scramble? (read more about it and see a pic of one of my tasty meals in this post) Well Sweet Deals is offering a 6 month subscription this week for half off! I WON'T be buying this deal because I already have a 2 year subscription , but wanted to let you know about this offer, because receiving the shopping lists and recipes for the week has completely changed my life! Yes, changed my life! One year later I am happy to report I haven't fallen away but am still “scrambling” and have made almost 300 unique healthy and quick to prepare dinners for my family! It has saved me SO much time and money to only make one trip to the store, not forget any items, not buy food and then have it go bad because I just didn't have a plan, as well as taking all the guesswork out of what to prepare! The recipes are really tasty and seasonal and Aviva who runs it is very personable and emails back when I have questions. They are easy to follow and almost all are prepared in less than 30 minutes. With this deal for only 66 cents a week you have a professional emailing you 5 recipes and the shopping list, plus access to a database of over 300 reicpes that allows you to customize the meal plan if you want to make changes AND it updates the shopping list.

For anyone who does know how to cook but would like to save time, add variety to their repertoire, or who maybe isn't confident with cooking or meal planning, I can't recommend it enough. Cooking dinner for my family is one of my favorite things to do each day, It has matured me, enriched me, organized me, and I really DO feel like a Domestic Goddess now. :) That's "me" above, looking domestic and "Sew Pretty" ;)Oh yeah, and the KIDS are eating so much better too, that's important LOL!)

See the deal here:
$14 for a 6-Month Subscription to Meal Planning from The Six O’Clock Scramble ($30 Value)

Back later with some projects, Jonathan is back at school today, woo hoo! :)


  1. hey ..that does kinda look like you! so perfectly ready (-:

  2. nice deal.... i am impressed..

    thanks for sharing


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