
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

200 Pomegranates and an Audience of One

Thanks for all your comments yesterday, I felt "seen", hee hee! ;) Wanted to pass along something similar (although maybe I should save it for a few weeks from now when you need to be lifted up again LOL!), probably the Biblical inspiration for that cathedral story, I read it last year on my Kindle (another free download at the time!) called "200 Pomegranates and an Audience of One: Creating a Life of Meaning and Influence" by Shawn Wood. Its focus was the story of Huram of Tyre (not the King Huram, another Huram) from 1 Kings (if you don't remember this story that's okay, 1 Kings is not one of those books you go back to like Gospel, the author acknowledges this is a very obscure story!) He has a tiny mention because after honing his craft he was chosen to put the finishing touches on Solomon's temple and his job was carving the 200 pomegranates at the tops of 30 foot pillars (too high for anyone to truly appreciate the intricacies of his work). This is one of those details we tend to skip over when we read the Bible or might think "why are they telling me this?" and then not think of it again. But God remembered and recorded this labor of love for all time, Huram's amazing contribution was using his talents and doing his job with integrity and humility.

Here is a section of the book I highlighted (emphasis mine), and I thought it would be good to pass along today after the cathedral story, because I know many of you aren't moms, but ALL you readers who stop here ARE artists, whether you stamp or just enjoy browsing the work of others, by being the best "fill in the blank" (wife, teacher, aunt, accountant etc) we can be, we are creating something beautiful in the eyes of God. This is is so important to remember in both our life and our work and art:

"In the story of Huram and his 200 pomegranates we find the artist's mandate--five essential components of life-artistry:

  • Get great at something

  • Do something with your talent

  • Invest yourself in things that will last and that others will benefit from

  • Work for an audience of one, because sometimes our best work is seen only by God

  • Finish what you start

If everyone is an artist, then life is a grand work of art.

What are you creating?"


  1. Oh!! YES!!! I read this book as well!! Fabulous! Perhaps I should RE-read it!! Sometimes it's a good reminder. (Another great thing about our Kindles, huh? No books to keep... just on our archived list!) :-)

  2. Hi Melanie - what a powerful message this is!!! I loved the story yesterday and it really made me think. Now today's message really brings it home. How often I have been discouraged as I've watched my children choose the wrong path, but then I tell myself - "we've put all the good things in and they are God's children so they will return to the right path and benefit from this experience. They are all making positive influences on others lives which is such a blessing. Now I need to apply that frame of mind to my crafting. I thank you for the book recommendation and plan to add it to my Kindle. God bless you Melanie and have a wonderful day. Hugs, Sharon :o)

  3. Great words to think about - thank you!
    You asked...for our Ink'll Do May card swap - I'm trying to create two somewhat alike 'master boards' 8 1.2 x 11"; one board to show it and the other board used to create 6 cards for the swap. Guess there is a first time for everything...I WILL see this thru to the finish - LOL!

  4. I love that, so true!

  5. Very timely message, Melanie, thanks for sharing it!

  6. So true!! We are all blessed with talents to put to use, to bless others & contribute to a better world. I've not read this book, will look out for it ;) Thanks!!


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