
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Words to Live By...

A quote I just came across, author unknown:

Watch your thoughts, they become words.
Watch your words, they become actions.
Watch your actions, they become habits.
Watch your habits, they become character.
Watch your character, it becomes destiny.
Have a quote for us today? please share! :)
(I'm a busy bee stamping for our release this Thursday! By the way, how'd ya like that sneak peek snippet from Friday? ;) She's not making you guess anymore, it's all out in the open, LOL! I'm so excited to share samples with it!! Hope you are enjoying the snippets and counting down to the party, we are!


  1. Thanks for sharing, Melanie. These are some great words to live by. Have a great day!

  2. Thanks, Melanie! I've read this before, and have always liked it. Glad you reminded me of it. I have a quote today....let me think! Here's one I like: If you were paid a nickel for every kind word you spoke, or were charged a nickel for every unkind word, would you be rich or poor? We know that YOU would be rich beyond measure! Hugs...

  3. The verse is a great one to live by!
    I am really liking the Snippets! They pique more than some of the other intros.

  4. This was very heart warning. Things we say and do become habits. Thank you for revealing the message.

  5. One of my favourite quotes is : Adversity doesn't build reveals it.

    I collect quotes and am always looking for new ones.

    Melinda in Australia


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