
Thursday, July 28, 2011

State bound! Pray for "my fish", please!

We are getting ready to head to the State meet tomorrow, I am so excited I can hardly stand it! We got the seed times and I was amazed to see how good Jonathan's chances are of coming in the top 3 in his events and possibly even taking home a first place medal! His times from the meet rank him 4th out of 31 for his 25 yard freestyle and 10th out 26 kids for his 50 freestyle. To give you an idea how close the 25 meter race will be, here are the tops times from the city meets around the state going into this event

1st 16.36
2nd 17.00
2nd 17.01
4th 17.07 JONATHAN!!!!! my boy, in the whole state of Texas!! (That day he got a late start into the pool because they were running two races at once, and he got confused if it was the buzzer for his event since they had two pools and were running races simultaneously, so I know if he gets a good start he can best this time!! He's also really been working on his dives!)

If you could please say a prayer he swims well and has peace with the results, also that his goggles stay on when he dives in, we are having issues with this!* I can't imagine how much that would throw me off in competition! Here is the back of City of Austin Salamanders Team T shirt he got yesterday (of course I had to buy a shirt for everyone in the family so we can go as Team Jonathan, hee hee!). Jonathan wants me to draw a big salamander tat' with a Sharpie on his ankle for the races Saturday, I'll have to get a pic of that, and of course pics from the meet,too!

I will have spots from Richards and Miesje to post while I am away this weekend for a little more "Vine" inspiration!

The summer will be over before we know it and I'll be able to creating and posting on a regular basis, thanks for your patience! I've missed it but have been enjoying my boys so much !

* Any tips from you swim moms how to keep them on other than having a tight streamline with your arms against you head?? (he's not interested in wearing a swim cap!!)


  1. oh best wishes! best wishes! best wishes! have said a prayer to win, to accept how ever it turns out, and for safety there and traveling!
    and as for posting - your family comes first, you have your priorities in order (-:
    so looking forward to hearing how it goes !!!

  2. Good Luck to your son. I've said a prayer for him.

  3. Melanie- best of luck to your son! He sounds like a great kid!

  4. How exciting Melanie!!!! Way to go Joanathon and know I will thinking and cheering him on from NC!!!! what a fun experience for you all and your post is filled with such joy and excitement ;). Big hugs and as far as blogging....keep the family first, they grow so quick and these fun days are a treasured memory ;)

  5. YAYYYY Go Johnathan!!! I'm soooooo happy for him!! Saying a prayer and wishing you the best of luck!! *HUGS*

  6. Good luck, Jonathan! Have a safe and fun filled time in the competition.

  7. This is truly exciting! Best of luck to Jonathan!!

  8. Best wishes to Jonathan!!! I'm cheering him from the other half of the globe. Pray he does his best.

  9. Swimming advice - No breaths from the flags to the wall at the finish. It takes some practice, though, so if he can't do it this time, work on it for the future.


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