
Thursday, August 25, 2011

School Days

Well, the kids are wrapping up their first week back to school! They each have a male teacher this time, a first for both of them. Here is a pic of William outside school in the first day. (Not smiling, but not frowning, that's good, think he's just playing it cool!)

I think the days of getting a first day of pic of Jonathan are past, he absolutely refused and ran like he was dodging bullets when I tried to snap him going in (pic a total blur, no good, I think I shot the ground actually, like running through a war zone) He also doesn't want me coming up to eat with him anymore (sniff!!!) but he said "Come up and help up our class make cards on holidays. Everyone likes that, that's cool." (Okay! Yes! His mom can still, on occasion, be cool!)

I had lunch with William on Tuesday, he's not only okay with me coming up for lunch, but he sat in my lap! (awww) A boy seated at the table name Anthony, whom William just met this year pointed and said, "You are his mom." "Yep," I nodded, smiling. "You love him," he declared. "Yep!" I answered, smiling bigger! :) William asked me to come back for lunch the next day , too.

More to come, have a great day, thanks for visiting!


  1. I so miss those days! Enjoy them, dear friend! You are a good momma :) Hugs!

  2. So very sweet Melanie!! Pray they have a GREAT school year :)

  3. Awww how sweet!!! My kids have their first day of school pics taken at home before we leave. Maybe you should try that??? I've never had a problem getting them and Steven is a freshman this year!!


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