
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Two Invaluable Money Lessons for only $1

Hello and happy Sunday! Hope you are enjoying a good weekend with the family, I am still sick but am enjoying all of us being home together anyway!

Have to share a really great deal with you I got this morning through Mamapedia, two audio lessons (one for adults and one for kids, and boy, do we need that one!!) on managing money for only $1 (95% off!) from the industry's top expert Dave Ramsey. Here is a brief description of the what you get:

"In “The Super Red Racer”, kids will learn about the merits of hard work and saving for what they want. In “Cash Flow Planning”, you’ll learn how to live within your means, pay off your debt, and have enough extra cash for saving and entertainment. Listen at home, in the car, or at the gym. It’ll be the best buck you’ll spend all year!"

Now I have not attended a Dave Ramsay seminar or bought any of his products in the past, but I did take a 6 week course at my church last year that was based on Dave Ramsey's "Financial Peace University", and it was terrific! Although my husband and I are both very conservative with money, it reinforced several things we believe and already do and emphasized the importance of couples being on the same page, as well as reminding us that everything is from the Lord and belongs to Him. There were many new things we learned as well and I recommended it to several friends. The man who taught it had used Dave Ramsey's teaching to eliminate $100,00o in debt that he and his wife had accumulated over the years to get to a place where they were debt free, living on less than they made and still able to save as well give generously to their church and other charities, and now teaching others how to handle their money. needless to say, it completely changed their lives. So I was really excited when I saw this deal in my inbox because I knew it would be really sound and valuable advice! And for $1, how can you go wrong? A really nice "try before you buy" option so to speak if you decide you are interested in more of his specific lessons to meet your interests/needs!

I won't be listening to this immediately because I am under the weather, but I will soon. I look forward to hearing the kid's lesson with my boys and talking about it, having a really good teaching moment. I plan to put the lessons on a CD I can loan to friends. The adult one would also be great for a teen or graduate.

I hope if you get this deal or not, you would share this link with others who might be really struggling under a lot of debt, have a lot of stress because of money, or have children that could benefit from the lesson. In this economy, I think that covers just about everyone! Hope you will check it out! You never know when in the future someone might come to you for advice on these matters and you could at least point them in Dave Ramsey's direction, I have! I am not really that savvy with money, and fortunately my husband is, but most couples really struggle with money matters, and as the course pointed out, (and I'm sure you've heard or read this before), money troubles are the leading cause of divorce. It could really bless someone to be free of that burden. Right now, Paul and I are at a point where we are trying to teach our children the value of money and these can be very hard lessons to learn, but if learned will last them a lifetime and give them a firm foundation.

If you've read any of Dave Ramsey's books or attending his classes, I would love to know! If you buy this deal, you'll have to let me know what you think, okay?

Hugs, a card tomorrow with a new set and some good news for you! Thanks for visiting!


  1. Hi Melanie,
    I took the Financial Peace University course at my church (it wasn't just for couples - I'm single). I agree that it is a terrific plan and would encourage anyone who is looking for great financial advice to go if they get the opportunity. What impressed me most is that as frank as he is with his advice, Dave Ramsey genuinely cares from the bottom of his heart for everyone who looks to him for advice. He's "been there-dont that," and knows from experience how bad things can get. The world could use a lot more faithful servants like him. Thanks for your post, and best wishes to you as you teach your children to be good stewards! Hope you feel better soon. God bless.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. P.S. That was supposed to say "Been there-DONE that" Oops!

    I also wanted to let you know that I found you at GinaK and am a big fan of your stamp designs. I have a couple of sets and always look forward to seeing your new ones. Thanks for keeping us inspired!

  4. Melanie, My husband and I are currently taking the Financial Peace University at our church. It will be 13weeks and we have just had our second lesson. I can say already that this is an invaluable class and topic for everyone and anyone!! Dave Ramsey has a terrific way of teaching and has such valuable lessons regarding money. I would recommend it 100%. Using his tools for teaching kids are fantastic.


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