
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Write it On...

Good morning! If you are in the middle of Spring Break as we are, I hope you are having a grand time with your family! Post coming tomorrow with last month's floral set Stately Flowers 3 and a guest designer, and just a quickie today since I have been so busy and out and about with my boys (BTW, look for one super fun free (or cheap) idea to share with you for "anytime" activity, or for next week if that's your spring break, coming here soon, we did yesterday just need some time to write it up and upload pics!)

One day last week, I had a super super busy day ahead of me with errands, work, chores etc. So the first thing I did after getting dressed as go into my craft room and stamp this verse from Wild Flowers in Memento Tuxedo Black on my hand (so it lasted through several washings!), a constant comfort and reminder I'd have with me if things were getting tense! All I had to do was peek down, take a deep breath, and resume! I just loved having that to glance at or meditate on all day. (Tempting to ink it permanently but I am tattoo-free and plan to stay that way! Who needs a tattoo when you have stamps and washable ink?) ;)

Also an idea for your kids, to stamp a little verse they need a scripture to focus on or are trying to memorize, or maybe for Sunday school or VBS. I do like "carrying around" words with me, perhaps not as always as literally as in this palm of my hand, but hope it inspires! And stamping on my hand makes me think of writing on my heart, so Ill leave you with this well known poem (emphasis mine):

Write it on your heart
that every day is the best day in the year.
He is rich who owns the day, and no one owns the day
who allows it to be invaded with fret and anxiety.

Finish every day and be done with it.
You have done what you could.
Some blunders and absurdities, no doubt crept in.
Forget them as soon as you can, tomorrow is a new day;
begin it well and serenely, with too high a spirit
to be cumbered with your old nonsense.

This new day is too dear,
with its hopes and invitations,
to waste a moment on the yesterdays.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

God bless, see you tomorrow!


  1. I'm so glad to see that I am not the only person who stamps on her hand. Sometimes my husband travels, for pleasure, and as we get near to his return, my daughter and I stamp the number of days until he comes home. She's only five and has a close relationship with her Dad, so it helps her keep the timeline straight!

  2. great idea with the stamp! I have a wedding to go tomorrow. the 1st time out in public since my stroke so I will need his strength what better way than in a verse in my hand.!Thank you

  3. Thanks so much for the inspirational message. What a good way to get through a stressful time. I will have to remember that when my set of stamps arrives. Another great lesson in life. What a cool gal you are to spread the message like this. I love it!

  4. I soooo needed to read that!!! Thank you so much!! And I LOVE the stamping idea! I may "try out" a tattoo before actually getting one. Just a tiny one though... and not in an obvious place. LOL Perhaps some copics to color it?? hmmmmm

  5. Oh yes! I just printed that and now I'm going to "decorate" to display in my craft room!! *HUGS*

  6. oh Thank you! I feel truly blessed right drinking my morning tea here and reading this wonderful insipring poem. I love it. I truly like the idea of putting the Word on my hand to represent the Word written on my heart...and to help me thru the day to meditate on the One who gave me this day! And what a wonderful conversation starter to witness?
    God Bless and my His mercies be abundant in your lives today.

  7. I love that you stamped on your hand! Genius!

  8. Hi Melanie! That's a great way to remember a verse for the day!! Hope you're having a wonderful Spring break & a lovely weekend! {hugs}

  9. Wow, so inspired by your creations and also that of your associate from Alaska.
    I am a new member and so caught up in the new release and all of the blog hopping.
    Believe me when I tell you, I am NOT computer savvy, but I am managing okay, so far.
    Well done!
    Anna Jernigan


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