
Friday, July 6, 2012

Prayers, Please!

Can you please, please pray Jonathan and the other boys on his relay team (and the rest of the swim team, I guess?) are healthy tomorrow for the swim meet? We just learned that one of the boys on his relay team started throwing up on the way home from their swim practice yesterday and now has a fever. No!!!! Hoping he is better soon and they don't start falling ill, what a terrible disappointment after a season of hard work! (We do have an alternate for that medley if he isn't better, who is a terrific swimmer, but I'm also concerned now the other kids will get sick, too, and not be able to compete in anything) :(



  1. Praying that it is just nerves & not a bug!!!

  2. I'm praying for your boys, I wish them the best of luck!

  3. I don't know, Misti, that fever part scares me! :( Thank you, both!!

  4. Sure will keep the boys in my prayers!

  5. Oh wow. Yes - you can count on my prayers. What bad timing! I hope everyone stays healthy.

  6. Oh dear....prayers goin' up in measures of oodles, dear girl! Keep pus posted! Hugs...

  7. Did send up a prayer for your dear boys! Hope everything went well today!


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