
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Keep 'em Coming! (and Guessing!)

This blog candy giveaway is closed.

Well, I am just all the more pumped up to show you samples with the basket sets and new "Beyond Baskets" set in the months to come after reading your responses! :) They are all so different (your choices), and I love that everyone has a different favorite (and that every set got a vote, woot!)! For that reason, there is no clear majority, but I *did* get seven cards done yesterday, hip hip hurray! Your feedback was what I needed to stop being so wishy washy and finish, so thank you very much! I had a great time, hope you love the cards!

Now, Rosy asked the good question about the toppers: "Wait a minute...Do you mean *just* for the wheelbarrow?"

Well, actually, no! This set has LOTS of other containers, in addition to the wheelbarrow, which you have of course not seen yet but will tomorrow (which is what was making all the mix and match choices for me all the more!) So today, let's see if you can guess what other containers I have in this set! Leave a comment below today with your guesses* for another chance to win the new Beyond Baskets! (and go ahead and leave a comment about what toppers you like best in this post if you have not yet done so, open til tonight, so check back!)

You know what, how about I give away another set, since these are TWO separate questions?! I will announce both winners TONIGHT!

Tomorrow we are having an illustrator hop with our sets at 8 AM CST, so you'll get another sneaky peek before the sets are revealed at the party at 11 AM CST and available for purchase. now I have to figure out which of my samples to show first, ack!!) lol!

Hint #1: THREE more.

Hint #2: not a wicker basket (Spring) not a Longaberger basket (Holiday) not a cauldron! (Create a Cauldron)

Hint #3: and not a vase (buds & vases) nor a mug (Mugs and Kisses) :)


  1. I think a sleigh to fill with presents. Or maybe a Santa sack. Hope it is one or both of these that would be awesome! Thank you Melanie for the chance to win and for the fun questions, I love guessing games.

  2. or.... for the wheel barrow Gardening Tools

  3. Maybe a cardboard box or a laundry basket, I use my laundry baskets for moving things all the time! At Christmas, I load up all the presents we are taking to share for ease and convenience and then I bring our presents back home in it!

  4. Wow! This is a tough one. Maybe a sleigh or giant stocking; shopping cart? Wagon? Storage cube (those cloth cubes that people use for storing things). I'm sure I will be surprised and delighted at what they actually are. Can't wait to find out!

  5. I'm thinking it might be a sled or maybe a bench

  6. How about a harvest type basket--not sure what the official name of this is. Other guesses are a shopping bag, a box, a wagon or sleigh.

  7. I'm thinking a mason jar or a milk can?

  8. How 'bout a little wagon or bed of a pick-up truck or the puppies looking out a window? I'm excited to see what you have for us.

  9. I think two choices would be a sleigh for winter cards and perhaps a bushel basket for fall.

  10. I will guess a pitcher or a basin! Thanks again for another chance to win!

  11. Ok I'm thinking a large milk can or a window basket like for a barn window or, or, or a hay wagon. Ok I have racked what is left of my little pea brain. I cannot WAIT until tomorrow!!

  12. My first thought was that I hoped it would be a window box. With all those lovely flowers a window box would make a great looking card with all the window die cuts or the easy way to make a window that Gina showed us last week. I also like the idea of a sleigh for winter cards and a laundry basket for carrying all kinds of things. So many ideas, so much inspiration!

  13. I'm thinking a wagon, cornucopia and a Christmas stocking.

  14. We need a sleigh for sure. Then 'um maybe a baby buggy or wagon? I'm sure whatever you did will be beyond perfect!

  15. I wonder.... a farm wagon, a laundry basket or a sleigh. So very excited to see!

  16. I am thinking a Window box and a parcel box

  17. Now there is a leading question, I agree with the laundry basket, that would be great for the toys, and even the baby bits, one of those old fashioned basins that people used before indoor plumbing and perhaps an old tin bath, the type from the cowboy films, I am sure whatever you have designed we will all love just as much as all you sets :-)

  18. Hmmm trying to think of the upcoming Holidays....a cornucopia....a super large pumpkin to fill???....a big Santa's Boot....a super sized Christmas Stocking....a sleigh (which would really be cool!!) I am sure whatever it is I am going to NEED it! :P

  19. Might it be a bushel basket? large flower pot? Window basket? Just love your sets so anything will be great.

  20. How about a buckets--oak, woven, metal with design, plastic to fill with toys, or...close to Christmas...toboggan, sleigh, sled...

  21. Mmm, such a hard question Melanie. Maybe a gift box, a christmas stocking and a parcel?

  22. cornucopia or a sleigh for sure.

  23. I think a sleigh would be awesome and also a gift box with the lid propped off to the side. Oh, and how about an Easter basket too. I like the idea of a corniacopia too.

  24. A washtub, a sleigh, a cornacopia, a bucket, a planter, a paper bag, a witches caldron ...

  25. Wow, the containers really can be endless! You could have a sleigh, or a craft bag, or a barrel for the fall stuff. You could have a wagon for toys, wicker basket for the animals? What about a blanket for the animals?
    You could have a truck and put items in the back of it. Do you already have a shelf? A fireplace mantel? That's all I've got right now! LOL!
    Can't wait to see what you DO have! :D

  26. I'm guessing there will be an oak wine barrel type image. Perhaps a window box image too.

  27. A pail, a bowl, a pillow (with an indentation in the center), a window, a bag or sack.

  28. I can't wait to see! I think a bushel basket, a wagon and a sleigh would all be fabulous - along with several other possibilites - glad I only have to wait till morning to find out!!!

  29. Wow you ask good questions... what other container...maybe a backpack, pail, or shoe/boot? thanks for another chance to win!

  30. I would love a galvanized tub, I have one from my Dad's old place that I plant flowers in. The sleigh that everyone has guessed would be fun.
    Thanks so much....

  31. I think it must be a bath tub!!!!

  32. A chimney pot or a well?

  33. With Christmas approaching maybe a sack n sleigh combo. So much suspense!!

  34. I'll vote for Santa's sleigh! How fun would that be?

  35. I don't what it will but ima sure they all be be fantastic! I think there are a few I think I'd like...a sleigh, toy box, or bushel basket.
    Too much fun!

  36. I think a little red wagon would be cute - of course the wagon could be any color. I have an old wooden bucket that belonged to my grandma that would be cute with flowers (or any of the other toppers). An animal planter of some sort would be cute too.

  37. A window box? Oh or maybe something Christmas related... A sleigh or a bag... Nah I'm thinking it's not holiday related for it to go so easily with ALL the sets... Sticking with window box. :)

  38. Oh, this is soooo fun -- I'm guessing a big old metal wash tub or maybe a bathtub? It's probably a Christmas sleigh,though, 'cause I don't thing you're probably as silly as I am! ha-ha

  39. Auuuuuugh!! can't wait to see what you created!!! it must be a sleigh(xmas coming up)also maybe a purse?? a box? too much suspense, thank God almost is Thursday!!

  40. How about a milk can,a little red wagon, sleigh, a window box, cornucopia or a bushel basket. I guess we all have lots of ideas for you. If I am allowed only one than I would have to go with the milk can.



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