
Tuesday, February 12, 2013


William turned 8 yesterday, making the last 8 years the best of my life!  (I had to explain to a confused, very miffed looking Jonathan last night when I said that during the blessing that he is part of that 8 years also, that the last 8 have been the best because they've BOTH been in my life, and it just keeps getting better!  Of course when he turns 11 this summer that will mark the best 11 years of my life)

Here William is enjoying a very large bite of cake at his party over the weekend. 

Very special surprise, our rabbits had more bunnies last night, on his birthday!  (This means they'll be weaned around Easter.)  We brought the nest box in this morning before school to meet them and count. Seven kits again, just like last time! All healthy, will post pics in a bit.  Pretty hairless still, so it will be super fun to see what colors we get this time!

Hope you had a terrific weekend and your week is off to a great start!


  1. Happy Birthday William. That's a cute picture. What a nice surprise to have birthday baby bunnies.

  2. Happy Birthday, William! How exciting about the bunnies. I can't wait to see pics.

  3. A very Happy Birthday William. You are a beautiful young man


  4. Wishing you a blessed and happy birthday!

  5. Happy Birthday to your handsome boy! Enjoy the baby bunnies!

  6. Time goes by so quickly! Belated birthday and bunny wishes (-:


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