
Saturday, April 19, 2014

Easter on the Green


If you live near the Austin area and are looking for something to do tomorrow (Sunday), all are welcome to attend our church's outdoor celebration Easter on the Green from 11:30-3PM, complete with live music, bouncy houses and activities for the kids, egg hunt, food trucks including barbecue, sausage, tacos and shaved ice (nominal charge for food but everything else is free), and prizes.
 Second slide
Link has address (across Mopac from The Domain) and info, plus a registration form to put your name in the hat for prizes if you wish. Hope to see you!
First slide
 Pray for no rain! :)
Third slide


  1. What FUN!
    Have a blessed Easter

  2. Oh what fun - I know the families enjoyed this greatly. Blessings to your church for serving so many people this way. I hope your family has a great day celebrating that He is Risen!!


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