
Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Sneak Peek #2: Spooky Silhouettes and Autumn Leaves

Day Two and two previews today, both using sets designed by Gina K herself! This first uses "Spooky Silhouettes", and the images are just that! They lend themselves to some really fun techniques and make fast fast cards, co coloring! I chose the witch brewing up some trouble, backlit by a white Nestabilitie circle sponged in More Mustard and Pumpkin Pie (to match my Basic Grey Ambrosia DP inside). The black and white DP "Ebony and Alabaster" you see on the front is a new paper we are releasing this Friday, the swirls and dots I thought were perfect with her magic potion!
So I was looking at my new Rounded Corner Punch, and maybe I just had silhouettes on the brain after staring at this set for awhile, but is it just me or does the space in between the two corners look a little like a bat?? I punched out three along the edge (which also makes kind of a cool looking wrought iron "haunted mansion" silhouette on it's own), and added some googley eyes with Mono Multi. I think these give it a not-so-scary, whimsical feel, but omit the eyes if you want to just go for "creepy elegance" LOL!

Speaking of creepy, is this not the spookiest old tree ever? The set also contains lots of little bats that you can stamp around in any formation you please, LOTS of fun! (and don't those punches look cool from inside, too?)
And now for something completely different...

One of my favorite things about Autumn (or any time of year really) is watching the leaves turn. Even though I'm not in a part of the country that gets a true explosion of colors that other areas do, but the rusts and golds are still glorious to behold. "Autumn Leaves", the new "Free With Three" set is going to become a sentimental favorite in my collection, I can tell. I most often like to use beautiful leaves on sympathy cards, they are some of the most appropriate images to convey that "circle of life"...

I stamped my leaves and greeting in Burnt Umber Palette Ink on my mat, cardbase and envelope and colored with Koh-i-Noor pencils, adding a shadow with my Warm Grey 20% Prismacolor marker. I scored a simple border using my Scor-Pal on DCWV Earth Elements Textured CS and sanded it a bit to make it pop. I pulled some natural hemp through after my mounting my Nestabilitie cut focal point on dimensionals, it is my favorite "ribbon" for fall cards, perfect color and twiggy texture...

I'm sorry to say this first sample was made with a purpose beyond previewing the set: I sent it to my mother and Grandpa Ralph a few days ago, hospice had notified her the end was near so she went to be with her father. (I learned Monday he passed away Sunday night in his sleep, probably as I was drafting this post) :( At 92, he had a long, fruitful life, and told us he was ready to go. Ralph Mason was a dentist and an extremely prolific, talented painter all his life who passed along a love of art and a share of his gift to me. They are both proud of the work I am doing and I am so grateful in his last few months he was able to see me realize this dream of mine to become a working artist this past year. It is a legacy I hope I can pass on to my own children.The sentiment and verse above from "Flowers for Daisy" are all I included inside, I couldn't think of a better way to communicate my love and support than these do ... If you can, please include Ralph and my mother Marty and my Aunt Jeannie in your prayers. Thank you so much.

Please don't forget to leave a comment here today for the blog candy (my new set), and check back tomorrow for a sneak peek at Carolyn's newest set, haven't you missed her stamps? You can also see peeks from these sets Gina K, Kurtis, Carolyn, Emily, Jessica and Joanne. Have a wonderful day :)


  1. Lovin' the leaves and the silhouettes!!! Another cool release this month!!!

  2. Fabulous cards Melanie. I am so sorry for your loss. Your family will be in my prayers.

  3. First of all--so sorry about your and hugs, gf!

    Second of proud he must be of you because you are an incredible artist---your ideas, imagination and talent are unbelieveable...

    My jaw hit the ground when I saw what you did with the punches....they really DO look like bats! lol!


  4. Melanie, I am so sorry you lost your grandpa this week. I'll be praying for your family.

    Your cards are lovely. I had to giggle a bit about the changing leaves in Autumn. Should we tell them that the real reason we get leaves turning colors in South Texas is that they are so dried out and hot they turn brown? LOL! I will just admire YOUR lovely colored leaves.

    Hugs to you!

  5. Love these sneak "peeps" everything is just adorable and fab. love the punches on the side of the card. They certainly do look like bats! tfs

  6. Great cards! Love the leaves and how you made the bats!

    I am so sorry for your loss. I'll keep you and your family in my thoughts.

  7. The new sets are wonderful, the cards are beautiful and I love what you did with the punches. I love punches so I have got to give it a try.

  8. Sending you my deepest sympathy for your loss. On an unrelated topic, I love your bats. Truly crative genious!

  9. I am so very sorry for your loss. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.


  10. Love those previews..

    I am sorry for your loss..You and your family will be in my prayers


  11. You and your family will be in my prayers. It's never easy to loose a loved one.

    I really like what you did with those punches. You are really getting creative with those things. Great job!

  12. I love your new sets; love them even better if they would come home with me!! LOL Hey! Somebody has to win so it may as well be me!

  13. Hi Melanie, I'm sorry about your Grandpa. Your family will be in my prayers.
    On another note, great cards. I love those silhouettes and I saw the bats before I realized they were corner punches, great job!

  14. I'm so sorry to hear about your grandfather. HUGS.

    I totally love how you used that double corner punch - awesome.

  15. Melanie,
    I'm so sorry about your grandfather. The leaf card is beuatiful tho. A wonderful sympathy card.
    I really love waht you did with the punch to make the bats! Very clever!

  16. A lovely card to convey loving memories. My prayers are with you and your family over your grandfather's passing. MarilynY

  17. I am so sorry to hear of your loss Melanie. Your family will be in my thoughts.

    Wow, what awesome cards you have created!! Oh I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Halloween card, and now I MUST have that punch! You are so creative!! Your Sympathy card is just so beautiful and elegant....

    I can't wait to see your new releases, and thank you so much for the chance to win! Congratultions!!!!

  18. {hugs} you didn't mention about your grandfather yesterday!! I'm so glad they witnessed your dream. love both your cards but the bat cutouts? genius. 64 stamps? thud

  19. Sorry for your loss. Your cards are just fabulous. Thanks for a chance.

  20. First, so sorry for you loss. You and your family will be in my prayers for comfort and peace! How awesome though that he got to see you accomplish your dream as an artist!

    LOVE these cards! I can see the bat too! What a neat idea! That willow tree is just sooo awesome! Cant wait to get my hands on it.

    And you know, the reason the leaves turn down there where you are is because its so dang hot, not the seasons, rofl!

  21. Wonderful cards! You have incredible talent. I'm really sorry to hear about your grandfather -- losing a loved one is so hard.

  22. I love how you punched those bats along the side of your card .... soooo cute and creative!!!

    I love the halloween sillouhette set!!!

  23. The Witch card is so cool! What an eye you have for seeing through things!! Awesome!

    Love the leaves too, I love Fall and all things that come with it! Such a pretty time of year!

    Hugs and my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  24. Oh my gosh! The bats are fabulous! How did you get the punch to work at that angle?

    It's a good life!
    Terri E.

  25. I'm so sorry for your loss Melanie. Thinking of you at this difficult time.

    Your previews are nothing short of AMAZING! You always knock my socks off. How clever with the bats!

    Hope you're doing okay.....

  26. I am so sorry for your loss. You and your family will be in my thought and prayers.
    Your cards are beautiful! I loved how you used the corner punch. You are so talented and I can not wait to see your new set!

  27. Let me express my deepest sympathy for your loss. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. Your Grandfather would be very proud of the artistic abilities displayed in your beautiful cards. I absolutely LOVE the card you made with the new Autumn Leaves stamp set. Thank you so much for the chance to win! :)

  28. Sorry to hear about your grandfather...Your family is in my prayers.

    On a side note, these cards are beautiful. I love the way you used the punch on the side of the Halloween card to make the bats.

  29. I love the "bats" on the silhouettes card! I'll be CASing that idea for sure!

  30. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. It's a difficult time and thoughts and prayers will be with you and your family.

  31. Melanie, I am sorry for your loss. You and your family will be in my prayers.

    Love your cards. I really love how you used your punches to create the border. They truly look like bats! And the Autumn Leaves...they're beautiful! You're so talented! I'm sure your Grandpa is looking down at you, smiling and loving your work. :) Take care!

  32. Wow! I really love the witch card! How creative to punch those bats out! It looks fabulous! Love the background stamp and what you did to the inside of the card too! Great job! I'm so sorry to hear about your loss too. May the many wonderful memories you have of him bring you comfort.

  33. I have been stalking this blog waiting for your new release since I love Little Tees. Now I will need to get three sets so I can get the free Autumn Leaves set.

  34. My condloences and prayer at the passing of your grandfather. May your memories keep his legacy alive always.
    I love your cards! The Halloween set looks like fun.

  35. Melanie - the way you used punches to create the bats/wrought iron fence is pure genious. Looking forward to the additional previews.

  36. girl - I don't even need to tell you how cool that bat/punch is.

    And I am sorry about your grandfather -{hugs}!

  37. I think those punches to make bats is the CUTEST!!!!

  38. So sorry to read about your grandfather.

    Oh my goodness....what you did with punches is AMAZING...WOW!

    Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving such a kind comment...I really appreciate it.

  39. Melanie
    Love, love, love your cards. The spooky one is awesome! The "bats" are so cool!
    Can't wait to see your new set!
    Also, so sorry for your loss.

  40. I'm so sorry for your family, Melanie. I am praying you are all comforted in your season of grief.

    The cards are fabulous as always. Thanks for the wrought iron fence/bats idea. Is there no end to your creativity? I sure hope not!

  41. Love your Spooky Card - and yep, the in-between on that looks just like a bat -what a great idea!

    The autumn leaves card is gorgeous! I love fall and the leaves changing. Can't wait to see more!

  42. Mel, I am so sorry for your loss. I'll keep you and your family in my thoughts.

    Your cards are wonderful! I love the bats what a fabulous idea. Thank you for sharing. I can't wait to get my hands on new sets.

  43. Incredible use of punches - just fabulous!
    So sorry for your loss...treasure the memories!

  44. I'm so sorry for your loss...keep your chin up :)


  45. I'm sorry for the loss of your grandpa.

    I really like these leaves. I don't think I'm going to have any problem picking three sets this month!

  46. Sorry about the loss of your grandfather.

    Love your cards!! Your bats are amazing!!

  47. Wonderful cards you have here today. Love the bats and the leaves. Your family will be in my prayers.

  48. What a beautiful card you made for your mother. I am so glad your Grandfather was able to see you realize your dream. Darlene

  49. What a great idea for the punch, so clever. Thanks for sharing :)

  50. My prayers are with you and your family during this time of sadness.

    On a lighter note, just love those BATS!!!

    The sympathy card is beautiful.

  51. Melanie I'm so sorry to hear about the passing of your Grandpa. You and your family are in my thoguhts.

    I love your connection between sympathy, leaves and the circle of life, I totally agree! You card is beautiful.

    and your first card! OMG! OK you are definitely a smarty pants! lol That is the coolest card ever! Now I need that punch!

  52. Beautiful sympathy card and the Halloween are cards are amazing...genius idea with the corner punch!

  53. I'm very sorry for your loss Melanie. The card is beautiful and touching. I'm sure your mom will appreciate it.

  54. Wow, that is such a cool idea to use the corner punch to make bats. You are a genius.

  55. My sympathies to your family on the loss of your grandfather.

    OMG - those bats are I want that punch for sure! The silhouettes are great. Fabulous cards, as usual. I can't wait to see your new set!

  56. Great cards. I love the silhouettes. Your family will be in my thoughts and prayers, so sorry for your loss. Hugs to you!

  57. These cards are stunning, and the insides are just as weonderful. I am sorry to hear about your loss, I will keep you and your family in my thoughts.

  58. I'm sorry for your loss!

    What a beautiful card! Love the new sets!

  59. I am so sorry about your loss Melanie. It is hard to lose someone we love regardless of age. As for the cards..... Awesome as usual. Thanks so much for all your inspiration.

  60. Wow, these are great. Hugs to you.

  61. Lordy Lordy almighty, that is a fantastic card. I adore the mischevious look on those bats..almost inviting you to come see the graveyard. hehehe. When I grow up, I want to be as creative as YOU! Can't wait to see the rest of the stamps. And those punches, the possibilities are endless. The leaves will be a great background for all those fall snaps & scrapbooking. And finally, big hugs for you, your Grandpa must be smiling about you.

    Janie in Canada

  62. Awesome cards Melanie, I LOVE how you made the bats on the 1st one with the corner punch, so cool!! :-)
    I'm sorry for your Grandpa, but as you said he had a good long life and was ready to go, it's still hard to let go the people we love... :-(
    Your family is in my thoughts and prayers.♥

  63. there is an old Indin saying I would like you to think about.."Perhaps they are not stars in the sky, but rather openings in Heaven where the Love of our lost ones pours through and shines down to let us know they are happy." So a new twinkle entered the sky to let you know your grandfather continues his watch of you and yours. P.S. the cards are great. MaryAnn

  64. Beautiful card. You family will be in my prayers.

  65. I love your batty card! You are so clever!

  66. Too cool - love the bats - you're so clever! TFS!

  67. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers.

    You are brilliant with the punched bats. I can't believe that you were able to get the punch in just right to punch the middle bats. Guess I'll have to purchase the punch to try it myself. ;-)

  68. I am sorry for your loss. I will be thinking about you and your family.

    Your cards are fabulous! You are very clever to use the punches and create bats like that. If you really want to see amazing coloured leaves, move to Saskatchewan. Although, then you would also have to deal with winters with days of -40.

  69. You did a wonderful job with the cards - I am scared of bats, but I LOVED yours!! Your family will be in our prayers. Peg

  70. So sorry about your loss.
    What an innovative way to use the corner punches. Glad you are out there to help the rest of "see" ideas from simple tools :-)

  71. Oh my... those bats are so clever! And I just love the leaf card - the color is so yummy!

  72. I so sorry for your loss My best freind passed away last week .you and your family will be in my prayer..I love your cards cant wait to see all of them all. I would love to win your new set Ive had so much fun with the tees..

  73. How wonderful that your grandfather knew of your artistic successes (and how blessed he must have felt to have passed his creativity to another generation). My heart goes out to you and your family for your loss.

    I LOVE the batty border you created with the punches, and the leaves on the free for 3 set are colored divinely! Thanks for sharing.

  74. what an awesome idea making the bats out of the corner punch. I love it.

  75. This Halloween card is not only beautiful but it is completely ingenius, I love it!

    So sorry to hear about your loss, I'll be thinking of you and your family.

  76. I'm so sorry to hear about your grandpa - may you take comfort in the memories you have of him.

    Your cards are gorgeous. Using the new punch set to make the bats is so clever and cute! You are so talented!

  77. First, my heartfelt sympathy in the loss of your grandfather. It sounds like you had a special relationship with him that will remain in precious memories for you.
    Secondly, love your Halloween card, especially the idea with the punches! How innovative! The leaves are beautiful on the sympathy card and so different from the ones Gina "peeked" the other day. It looks like it will be a lovely set to own.
    Will keep you and your family in our prayers.

  78. Wow great samples. Thanks for the ideas and sneak peeks.

  79. I am sorry for your loss... I'll keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers...

    You did a fabulous preview!
    You are fantasic, amazing, talented, creative and incredible artist!!! Your cards are so inspirational! I love all of them!!! Your idea with punches - Fantastic!
    Thank you for sharing!

  80. So sorry about your grandfather! I will definitely offer up a prayer.

    You are right though, you have inherited a great gift. I have admired your work for a long time. Your artistic talent is evident in all you do.

  81. SO so cute! Love those bats and the Spooky Silhouettes and Autumn Leaves are too cool!
    Big hugs to you, thinking about you and your family!!

  82. Wow!!! I go away for a week and look what I miss!!!! LOL Oh the sneak peeks are fabulous and the creativity with the punches is true Melanie!!!!

    I'm so sorry to hear about your grandfather.....please know you're in my prayers and I'm sending lots of hugs your way!!!!

    I've got tons of blog-hopping to catch up on!! Can't wait 'til the Release Party!!

  83. Sorry for the loss of your gransfather. He must have been very proud of you and what you hae accomplished!!!

  84. wow I LOVE LOVE LOVE YOUR sneak peeks!!!!! can't wait to see your new set this weeeeeek!

  85. My thoughts are with you and your family. So sorry to hear of your loss.

  86. Both of these are wonderful cards. I love what you did with the punches and saw 'bats' right away. And the autumn leaves were so classic and elegant. Your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

  87. Your bats are awesome, Mel! How cool is that? Your autumn leaves card is stunning - the simplicity of it is so elegant and looks awesome. I'm sorry you had to use it for such a sad time for your family. My thoughts are with you and your family during this difficult time.

  88. Thanks for the florishes tutorials! They are everywhere these days. I am so aware of them!
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  89. Melanie, you are such a creative genius. I am constantly amazed at all the clever ideas you come up with.

    How proud your grandpa must have been to see you realize your dream. I am sending comforting thoughts to your family. So sorry for your loss.

  90. So sad to hear about your grandad's passing, but so blessed to hear about his life and how he has influenced you. I prayed for your family today!
    I love my Flowers for Daisy set!
    Kim Marie

  91. So sorry to hear about your family's loss. It is always difficult to lose a loved one, but at 92 he lived a long and productive life. I am sure your Mom appreciated your card very much. I also loved your first card with the unique punched bats! You are so clever!

  92. Sorry to hear about the loss in your family! Boy are your cards ever sooo cute!! I love your homemade bats! VERY CREATIVE!

  93. Incredible! Love how you always think out of the box

  94. love both cards, but my favorite is the halloween card...too cute

  95. The wrought iron thing is really cool. I am sorry to hear about the loss of your grandfather.

  96. great work. thanks!

  97. Sorry for the loss of your beloved grandfather. It looks like you received your creativity and perhaps your beautiful smile from him. God's blessing to you and your family. Christar

  98. You are so talented. I was wondering how you made those creative!

    It's hard to lose a loved one, no matter their age. Prayers and good thoughts sent your way.

  99. Love those bats! What a beautiful "Autumn Leaves" card!
    Thoughts and prayers are with you.

  100. sorry for your loss Mel. sounds like he lived a very full life. it's a beautiful card.

  101. Awesome cards , love them both , especially the Halloween one !
    Sorry for your loss , {{{{Hugs}}}} .

  102. Love the witch card and the side panel. Leaves are always a favorite of mine for creating.


  103. Even though I am not into Halloween that is a very clever use of the punches--looks cool!
    Autumn is my favorite season so I love the leaves.

  104. First,my sympathies to you and your family for the loss of your grandfather.
    I love the cards you shared with us today! The leaf card is beautiful!

  105. Loving the halloween card melanie! I love what you did with the punch!

  106. WOW! I love both cards! The colors and sponging on the first one is just outstanding! I'm also sorry to hear of your family's loss.

  107. Melanie - I was sorry to read about your grandfather. I hope that your family is soon feeling a bit more peace. What a wonderful talent that he has shared with you! I particularly love your sympathy card - it's lovely!

  108. I love this card - it's little bats really add to it! Halloween makes such cute cards! tfs

  109. oh wow!! Too much great stuff! I LOVE Gina's spooky halloween set--that creepy weeping willow tree is to die for! I'm doing a cartwheel over Carolyn having a new set--FINALLY!!! hehe! I've been waiting for months for her to come out with a beatuiful new set and this is the one! Now, those wonderful pussywillows are simply fabulous--I love the gray fun flock you added to them--genius! Cannot wait till Friday!! :)

  110. ps- Melanie, I'm so sorry for the loss of your Grandfather. Your family is in my prayers (as you always are)--extra ones. hugs, friend.

  111. I luv it & I luv what your doing with the negative side of the punches...FANTASTIC!!! You are so creative!!!

    I am so sorry for your loss, you & your family will be in my prayers.

  112. This is the first time I've been to your blog, and I'm so sorry it was at such a sad time for you. I truly am sorry to hear of the loss of your Grandfather. My sincerest condolences. Your cards are truly stunning, and you are so very talented. I'm sure he was so very proud of you. My best to you. Curt

  113. Being near the Smoky Mtns., I too, love the fall and anything with leaves or trees. Great card and coloring. I also think the punch bats are so cool! That's why you are an artist--your ability to "see" things like that. Keep up the good work. I am glad that God blessed your Grandfather with a peaceful death. You and your family will be in my prayers also.

  114. I am so very sorry to hear about your loss. My thoughts and prayers will be with you and your family. (((HUGS)))) to you.

  115. Melanie, I'm so sorry about your grandfather. I'll keep you and your family in my prayers!

    Your cards are gorgeous, as usual! I love what you did with the punch -- genius! :)

  116. I'm very sorry about your grandpa, but am happy that he was able to see your success and dreams fullfilled.

    I love the punches (yes they look like bats); is the punch deep and flexible enough that you were able to do that on the actual full size of the cs? Just curious.


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