
Thursday, September 4, 2008

Sneak Peek #3: Whimsical Autumn

This was such a fun card to make with Carolyn's newest set, "Whimsical Autumn". (Haven't we all missed her releases?! She is donating ALL the profits from this set to the Alzheimer's Association in memory of her grandmother, isn't that incredible?!) ) I used my favorite image from this set, which I will now refer to (after being bleeped on SCS after typing it!) as "The Flowers that Must not be Named" LOL!*

First I colored the vase with Koh-i-Noor pencils in oranges and yellows and OMS (this pic shows before blending). For autumn, I decided to go bolder than clear glass and opted for amber. :) (That scallop cut out you see has nothing to do with this card if you're wondering, just stamping on a scrap piece of CS!)
Then I added a little Hazy Grey Fun Flock with my Quickie Glue Pen to the little puffs, and covered the vase with Crystal Lacquer. I just bought this and I LOVE the extra applicator tip that comes with it (as opposed to straight out of the bottle with my old Crystal Effects), you can be SO precise in your placement of it! Using my finger, I rubbed the edges of my mat with silver Metallic Rub-On Paste(this looks really sharp on your mats when paired with all these Basic Grey papers...) And how about that Large Flourish Punch?? After punching out two and blinging them up with amber colored Self Adhesive Rhinestones, then adhering the punches with Mono Multi over my mat at the corners (I found the Quickie Glue Pen wasn't strong enough to hold them), I was able to slide the mat under the punched out negative area.
This next pic shows how you can insert a mat with the flourish "facing out" or "facing in". Doesn't that look sharp?
This card also uses SU! Gray taffeta ribbon and and one of my favorite prints from the Basic Grey Ambrosia pack. Be sure to check out the rest of the design teams awesome sneak peek samples (Jessica, Carolyn, Gina K, Kurtis, and Erika) and don't forget to leave a comment here today, it's the last day to enter for a chance to win my newest set! Winner of the set and my sneak peek of it revealed tomorrow!!!

*This blog is rated "G", and that's official, I checked it just for grins recently with a widget and got the "General Audiences" rating, despite being flagged for numerous instances of the word "knife" (craft or hobby, hee hee!)


  1. I love your card! Another great use for those punches, too.

  2. Gorgeous mel! love the beautiful coloring and the punch frame! Wonderful design!

  3. Melanie,
    Another fabulous card. You are working that punch girlfriend! Awesome card. I used the no-name flowers too. LOL!

  4. you're killing me with that flourish stamp. And of course it is OUT OF STOCK! you big tease! ;)

  5. Wow, I would have never thought that you could do so much with just that one punch! Great card, I really love how you framed up the center image panel.

  6. That's cute! I had to really think to figure out what got bleeped! Maybe you can call it kittywillow! I mentioned on Gina's blog, but I did it again when I came here, I am reading Whimsical Autumn as Whimsical Autism. I have a dd with a form of autism, so that's what my mind sees when I see AUT.....! She's pretty whimsical herself, so it works.

  7. Your card is beautiful. I love looking at all of the different ways you have been using the flourish punch. At some point I will have to buy one. :)


  8. Beautiful card! I love the dp too! So elegant!

  9. I think with all that ideas, I'm going to end up buying the flourish're such an enabler..
    Love the matting with the Flourish punches!!!

    Way to go girl!!

  10. luv the crd with that nu punch i ned that for mi self


  11. Yes, have missed Cammie's releases! This set looks soo awesome! Cant wait! OMG, your card! I love your coloring on that vase and you are the master with that punch!

  12. Fabulous card. I just love all the details you added to this. Thanks for a chance.

  13. Wow. I love this card. I can hardly wait though until tomorrow to see YOUR set. I've been waiting since your last set!!!

  14. ROFL...being bleeped...I though but aren't those -----willows? Then..aha... bleep ! Geez..need more coffee!

    Love the card, it's great!

  15. Loving all the sneak peeks! Is there a money tree out there somewhere??? I'm in so much trouble!;D

  16. Yet another beautiful card! You have done wonderful all week featuring the versatility of the flourish punch..
    Looking forward to seeing your new stamp release tomorrow!

  17. I love everything that you are doing with this punch. You are such an enabler ... I think I MUST find this punch!!! :)

  18. What a beautiful card! I love the use of the flourish punch, too. You are so creative! I am looking forward to the big reveal of the new stamps!

  19. I love the flourishes - might have to get that punch! Beautiful card again!

  20. You are doing such a great job enabling me to buy those punches. Your card is fabulous. Love the way you colored the vase.

  21. This card is so pretty. I love your samples.

  22. Hello Melanie,
    Beautiful card, as always. I must say I love what you did with that punch too!!
    Have a sparkling day!

  23. I love, love, LOVE this card! (Sorry I had to use your comment section wording. LOL) I this one is my fave so far. I think this paper with it's colors just pops with the pussy willow image. Just outstanding! I REALLY have my fingers, toes, and eyes crossed to win this set!!!

  24. The card is just beautiful. I love the paper.


  25. The swirls are fun. Where is your set? I was so exicted to wake up and see a sneak peak? Do you know someone who can help :)

    It's a good life!
    Terri E.

  26. This is to die for! It is so gorgeous and that punch is a must have. Love this card!

  27. Wow! I love what you did with the flourishes. I am going to have to get that at some point.
    I can't beleive you got beeped for typing pussy willows! Someone has got their minds in the gutter! Wish we could go back to a time when pu**y just meant a cat!

  28. Fabulous card Mel, I love the flourish. I came very close to buying that punch yesterday, and now may have to get it. You have been very inspiring. TFS

  29. Fantastic example! Love the idea of the gray flocking. Those "flowers not to be named" are some of my favorites!


  30. Melanie, your card is amazing. I love all of the ways you are using that flourish punch. The flock for the "flowers that shant be named" ;o) is another genius idea. I can't wait to see the sneak peeks of your set tomorrow.

  31. I need to find that applicator for the crystal effects. The simplicity of this card is lovely.

  32. I love it! I not only love the end creation, but I love how you take the time to share how you create. I can't wait to see your it Friday yet?!

  33. I love this card! Can't wait to see all the sets Friday!

  34. You are rocking the punches!!

    I love your card with the flower that must not be named. The amber vase is what really caught my attention. Thanks for another GREAT sample.

  35. Beautiful card and I just love that flourish punch. It looks like a must have.

  36. What a beautiful card! Wonderful design and technique - thanks for sharing!

  37. Cute card, Melanie, and very funny post script ("G" rating)! Thanks for the chance on the stamps. Here's my PS...Gina K stamps are the greatest!

  38. Great card and love how you work that punch.. It is now on my wishlist.

  39. I love your card! Beautiful. The frame is fabulous!

  40. Very pretty! I really like the amber vase, very autumn. That dp is yummy, too!

  41. I love autumn so as soon as I saw this card the colours amazed me :)

    Great work :)

  42. I love your card How do you do it everytime I cant wait to see you next one ..Your great ...

  43. Beautiful card and use of the punch. Really like the idea of using the negative area of the punch, too. Less scraps then for the scrap pile that never seems to diminish! Really, though----half the fun is reading your blog! lol We love hearing what's on your mind, too! lol

  44. SO gorgeous! Can't wait to see all the new sets!!!

  45. Great card and I love that punch. Looks like it is going to be a "got to have" tool.

  46. Another gorgeous example! I love this, the colours, the flouishes the bling! and I love flowers that can't be named! lol That's too funny! Maybe that's why the parental control block thingy is often on when I come to your naughty girl!

  47. Love your card, and the frame just make it wao.

  48. What is not to love about ALL of your work. You should get a commission on the increase in sales for that punch. I would have never given it a second glance but you have made it more versatile than plain cirlces or squares!

  49. Those scrolls are beautiful! Thanks for the chance to win :)

  50. You are so clever! I gotta get me that flourish punch! I'm so inspired by your designs! I can't wait to see your newest stamp set. I love, love, love my Little Tees set!!!!

  51. I love the way you used the punches as a stencil!!!! How cool is that!!??

  52. You are loving that flourish punch! Now I really want one! Beautiful card.

  53. Fabulous card as usual. Great idea with flourish punch. Can't wait to see your new set!! Thanks Christar

  54. Love this design and fall colors! :-) You are such fun with those flourishes! :-)

  55. Pretty card. I look forward to seeing your set tomorrow.

  56. Those flourishes are something!

  57. I would never had dreamed up so many wonderful uses for that punch. Thanks

  58. Love these new sets--of course I NEED them all! Your cards this week have been fab!

    Suzanne Dean

  59. beautiful card - I love the frame you created.

  60. You rock girl! This card is gorgeous and I now need that punch after seeing all the ways you have used it!

  61. Love what you have been doing with the punch!! Great card.

  62. Your cards are always so 'perfect' that it inspires me to make a bunch from your latest stamp set. I love the excitement and challenge when I get a new set. MarilynY

  63. Wow, Mel this is my favorite card of all the sneak peeks...those colors are wonderful! Love the use of the flocking too! Fun!
    Kim Marie

  64. This is gorgeous! Love how you used the punches to frame this image.

  65. I love the new Swirl Flourish Punch, so glad that I ordered mine when I did since it is currently out of stock. Your card is very lovely, great idea with the new punch. :) Thanks for sharing.
    Looking forward to your new stamp release tomorrow...can hardly it Friday yet?

  66. Another gorgeous card. I'm planning on referring to you when my dh sees the size of my GinaK order. ;-)

  67. Melanie,
    Your card is so cute! Thanks for sharing all the fun ideas with the flourish punch - I will have to buy one! I am looking forward to your release on Friday!

  68. Oh my, I am having PUNCH LUST -- oops? Can I say that on a rated "G" blog?! LOVE this...
    Congrats on the new set...

  69. One day, when I grow up, I want to color my stamped images as well as you do. Highlighting and shading are always hard for me.

  70. Another fabulous card. And I am loving that punch more and more.

  71. Ooooooooooo..........the flourish punchies AND then using it as a mat!!! Waaaaaaaaaay coooool!!!! And thanks for I GOTTA have some of that Crystal Lacquer!!! Hmmmm........the "flowers that shall not be named", eh??? How 'bout calling them Kitty Willows??!! LOL

  72. Amazing. I love your colouring & details. PURE art! And the amazing things you do with that flourish! Complete brilliance! :O)


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