
Friday, February 11, 2011

6 years ago today...

a little angel named William was born! :)

More about our big day and about William later this weekend, he and I both have such bad colds and I am struggling to improve before the big party Sunday (and we have some gifts form our family party tonight to put together!)

Are you ready for sneak peeks?? They're almost here!


  1. You look positively radiant in your pictures!!! I wish I looked as good as you after giving birth! Happy Birthday to your son!!!!

  2. Awww Melanie you look like a princess with her little treasures!! Beautiful mommy, you are. And look how tiny Jonathan is! LOL He looks much like William now. Happy Birthday little William. *HUGS*

  3. Happy birthday, William, from one who shares your day. hope yours is wonderful too.

  4. What darling pictures! Happy Birthday William!

  5. Happy Birthday to William! You look absolutely glowing in these photos, Melanie! I hope everyone is feeling better by the time of the big birthday celebration! Take care of yourself!

  6. Happy birthday sweet William! Wonderful photos to share, Melanie. You looked maaaarvelous!

  7. Hope you are feeling better, Melanie! Happy birthday to William on his big #6! Such sweet photos of both of your boys; isn't hard to believe six years has passed since they were taken? My gosh, you do not look at all like someone who just gave birth in those photos! I looked like I'd been run over after the births of my two boys! LOL! Enjoy the weekend!

  8. how sweet - look how little Jonathan looks! You're the prettiest mom right after giving birth I've seen! The highlight of MY day today was getting a birthday squeeze from the birthday boy! had a great day!!

  9. Well, Happy Birthday to your sweet William! Now, no one should look that good after giving birth, you rock girl!

    Today is also my FIL's b-day and hubbys best friends b-day. Must have been a good day for amazing fellas to be born.

    P.S. Yep, I am ready for the next release, the sneaks look awesome!

  10. Hey Melanie! Thanks for stopping by today! Happy birthday to William, and all I can say is, I NEVER looked that fantastic and blogworthy in any afterbirth photos. Lady in Red! :-)

    P.S. Didn't realize you were such a big reader; maybe you need to join my new book club! :-)

  11. Cannot believe it's been six years. Didn't we meet for the first time right before you found out you were expecting? Beautiful pics. Happy birthday, William!

  12. You don't even look like you had just given birth, girlfriend!! You look so happy! He's so beautiful and so is his big brother! Time really flies as those little one grow!
    Tell him we all said Happy Birthday!

  13. Melanie, what lovely photos! I hope all of you feel better today. Happy Birthday, William! A BIG hug for you.

  14. Great pictures, Melanie. You look absolutely radiant. You certainly don't look like you just gave birth to a beautiful little angel. Happy Birthday, William!

  15. wonderful memories - they wont understand the joy until they have their own kids...
    Happy Birthday!!!

  16. A big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to little William! You look absolutely beautiful, as do your little angels!
    Have a great weekend!

  17. Great pics Melanie!! Happy Belated Birthday to your son!


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