
Saturday, February 12, 2011

Full Disclosure

I feel a little disingenuous now, after reading all your sweet, sweet comments about how radiant I looked after giving birth: I have to admit those pics were hours after when we brought Jonathan in to meet him (and all the blood had come back to my face, feeling well enough to touch up my makeup for pics change out of my hospital gown into some silk jammies!) Here I am just a couple minutes after the birth...

I WAS fortunate enough to have a very short labor (3 hours, woo hoo!) in the middle of the day 2 1/2 weeks before he was due, so I'd been awake and already "made up" (makeup) before my water broke. After my first son Jonathan's delivery, I didn't fare so well, looked positively g r e e n ! (and threw up all night)

Here's a recent pic I love of him, from last season's soccer, my little man:

He asked me yesterday after I picked him up from school (I guess he'd spent his birthday morning contemplating his existence, what a little thinker!): "Mama, why did God make me?" My answer: "Because there had never been anyone like you. He made you to be a brother for Jonathan, a joy to me and daddy, a delight to your grandparents and relatives, a friend to everyone you meet, and to do great things in the world with all your gifts and talents and work for God. You are so special!" He was happy with that answer. :)

Thank you again for visiting and your comments! (My voice is almost gone today, so I have a feeling my hosting duties tomorrow at the party will be smile and wave, smile and wave...) Gotta run to pick up the ginormous cake from Costco! Hugs!


  1. You look just as gorgeous even a couple of minutes after your son's birth!

  2. Melanie, what sweet, precious moments in your life. I agree with Lisa, you look great1 You look so happy. There's no feeling like that feeling right after giving birth and seeing your precious gift from God. Hope you are feeling better and better and you can talk soon.

    Take care and STAY POSITIVE!

  3. You look great here too! I must say, your answer to your son was perfect!
    P.S. Waving is good...just think you won't ever open mouth, insert foo - LOL!

  4. Oh I wish I could have looked so fresh and lovely after delivery. Mine were short but I did not fare nearly so well with natural childbirth. Your children are beautiful and what a wonderful answer you gave to your son when he asked why God made him. My youngest was a preemie (born on Valentine's Day!)who spent nine days in a NICU. He was named Matthew because of its meaning -God's gracious gift, although each of our children is just that. Your boys are lucky to have you for a Mom. Thank you for sharing William with us.

  5. What a beautiful child that God has blessed you with! Remember those moments!

  6. you look positively radiant! i looked like "death warmed over" after my kids were born, especially after the third one.

  7. You are beautiful (inside and out) no matter what and you gave your son a perfect answer to a very well thought question!

  8. You still look fantastic, even before you fluffed. I love the answer you gave your son and it is so true.

  9. You look just as radiant a few minutes after as you did when you had time to freshen up. You are very blessed.

  10. What a beautiful answer for your son!
    And how lucky he is to have a Mom that first Loves the Lord and can raise her son is that wealth of love and security!
    Happy Birthday William!
    And congrats Mom and Dad!
    Blessings and Hugs!


  11. Melanie - it was sweet of you to give us e full disclosure but you looked great in this photo also! Just beaming as you should be since you had such a sweet bundle of joy in your arms! He is totally adorable now also. What a deep little thinker he is to ask why God made him! Don't you love the way little minds work.

  12. Sweetheart, YOU DO look radiant after blessing the world with a baby. I just wanted to say that I love love love, your stamp sets, so far they are my favorite. Watch out tax refund, lol!

  13. Melanie, You look gorgeous and are so blessed with such beautiful children! Thanks for the peak



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