
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Blog Candy!

This blog candy is now closed. Please check this post for the winner, thanks!

Okay, I am so excited from all your comments to learn that the many different ways you've all used to follow and read my blog in the past seem to be fully functional now
(and catching up all at once! hee hee) Hearing from so many of you on a day we don't have a hop feels like the phone ringing off the hook after sitting in a dark quiet room with the utilities turned off for weeks LOL! Love it, thanks for the support and welcoming me back! I felt so hopeful that something good would come out of the blog getting turned off, and now that it's get back on all the problems I was having seemed to have been solved! God is good!

So now, here is some blog candy to celebrate: brand spankin' new Star Circles dies from Spellbinders! Simply leave a comment below telling me what you would like to see (see more of) on my blog in the coming year! Get an extra chance of you are already a follower/subscriber, or if not get an extra chance if you sign up today! Don't forget to spread the word about the candy!

I will draw a winner on Friday! Good luck, and thanks for playing! I'll be back shortly with a quick card and really fun post about William's birthday!

(Have a good idea for a tip/tutorial but I really need to look back through my archives because I totally can't remember if I have shared it with you yet or not!


  1. Being first isn't always best, but thanks for the chance to win too. I love getting your blog in my updates! And wish I could get all your stamps!

  2. How nice to have them coming through now! This is so cute! I'm always on the look out for stars! I just love seeing new card ideas!

  3. Happy Valentine's Day!

    Your stamp sets, card, and coloring are all wonderful. I will be happy with everything you post.

    Thanks for the blog candy chance. I {heart} Spellbinders.

  4. Goodness, I'm seeing stars! And on YOUR blog! Woohoo! So glad to see it coming through! Hmmm....what would I like to see more of? Your beautiful flowers, of course!!! Keep them coming! Long time follower :) Thanks for the chance to win such a fabulous prize!

  5. Love the stars. Can't wait to try something for July 4th

  6. Love your blog!! And your stamps! Thanks for the chance to win! I am a subscriber of your blog!

  7. I love your tutorials; I would like some video - I'd like to hear your voice and further instructions. Thank you for offering awesome blog candy.

  8. I'm also a subscriber to your blog. I love these star dies and have been wanting to get them so thanks for the chance. I never know what I want to see until I see it on your blog.

  9. I really admire your talents and love to see the stamp sets you design and how you use them in your artwork. I will be happy for anything you decide to show us. And, thanks for the opportunity to win some blog candy. So glad you got your blog restored and back to funcitoning.

  10. I would really love it if you would do some video tutorials, too. I am a visual learner, but I also like to have a list of sizes I can print or copy & pasate for future reference. I would also love to see how you go about creating a card - do you choose an image first? Paper? Colors? Embellishment? Sometimes I have a hard time getting started, and I'd like to see how you do it. Thanks so much for sharing your talent and wisdom with your readers.

  11. Oops - forgot to tell you that I am a very happy follower of your blog!

  12. YAY, you're baaaaaack! Oh man that must have been scary! Glad everything is up and running again. I think you should share your tip/tute anyways, sometimes it's good to have a refresher (even if you've had it before) :)

    Thanks for the chance to win! Happy Valentine's Day!

  13. Like the others, I'm seeing stars too. What great Valentine blog candy - no calories!! I love having detailed coloring tutorials. When I see a post on a blog or a gallery that says, "I used Copics" or I used Prismas" I think "Great - which ones??" I also love to see out of the box thinking on using stamps, nesties or other papercrafting tools.

  14. Your posts are educational and inspiring for me. Everyday I try to read and learn something new, in this craft area. Love your designs that you have done for Gina K. I would love to know how you draw and submit your designs to get made into rubber stamps.

    I have been a follower for a good while. Thanks for the chance.

  15. Melanie, you are so cute. You didn't need to give away blog candy, but it's so much fun! I'd like to see more of the same from you. If you can't remember sharing it, then we probably don't remember either! Go ahead and share it, sister. :P

  16. I love your beautiful creations!! I would love some how to videos from you!!! Thank you for the chance to win and for your inspiration!!!


  17. WOW what a great giveaway. Thanks for giving us all the chance to win and for sharing your amazing talent and creativity with the rest of us. I love all the flowers and can't wait to get my hands on this set of stamps and your book. Take care and God bless.

  18. love seeing uses of dies

  19. Happy Valentine's, Mel! Thanks for the great chance. I use stars in my scrapbooking so much (having a son), would love to see how I could incorporate these cute new Spellbinders. Glad to have you back in action.

  20. Thanks for the chance to win. I am a visual learner, so I think that video tutorials would be great.

  21. So glad the problems are solved! I like everything on your blog, but I am always interested in seeing more of your great tutorials, especially with your new stamp sets. Thanks for the great blog candy chance also.

  22. You're a star, so this candy is really cool! Thanks for the chance to win, Melanie. I love when you show us ways to use your stamps that are totally out of the box. Like what you did with the butterflies!

  23. Happy Valentines Day! Like the other ladies said I would like to see a video also! The stars spellbinders would be great addition to my other dies! Also thanks for the chance to win the blog candy!

  24. Videos, Videos, Videos. Any tips that are unusual, any new products, etc. Love your blog and I am a subscriber already. Thanks for all your beautiful work and stamps!!!

  25. I am so happy for you Melanie that you were able to get your blog back. Great news for those of us who follow you. As for what I would like to see on your blog....I would love to see more of your incredibility creative ideas on different ways to use your stamps.

    I have been following you for a long time and like many others I am not seeing your new posts in google reader anymore. So I decided to subscribe to your blog through google reader and now I can see then there. Not sure why following doesn't work, but subscribing does.
    Thank you for the chance to win the nestabilities.

  26. Hmmm - scrolling down I see I have missed a lot of posts :-(... looks as though I have some reading to do too. I love it when you share your faith on your blog, as when you do, it is so real.

  27. What beautiful Spellbinders. We will enjoy anything you post. Really like seeing how you use your stamps. I don't like to spend a ton of time making cards, but I love making them. So, simple card ideas would be great. Thanks for the chance for the blog candy.

  28. I’m glad the problem solved and the feed is back! I would like to see more tutorials and thanks for such a wonderful candy!

  29. It's great to see your wonderful blog posts coming thru once again. Thank you for a chance at those fabulous Star dies - would be great to use on OWH cards. I like to see step-by-steps of the coloring process, video or photo doesn't matter. I've been a subscriber for several years.

  30. Yay!!! So happy it's all working again. :)
    I had signed up every way possible so I would miss the least amount possible bug still missed the odd post somehow. :) seems like its working so far.

  31. I loved the summaries of the techniques you use with a certain stamp set.
    Love your sample cards, too.

  32. I seemed to have missed a couple of posts too! But didn't notice until now because I've been sick! I'm a Feed Blitz subscriber and got the link to your blog today so it seems to be up and running again! I love everything you do and cards are my "thing" so... more cards and video how to's!

    Kris in Alaska
    funamom at yahoo dot com

  33. I'm a subscriber... for a second chance at the blog candy!

    Kris in Alaska
    funamom at yahoo dot com

  34. Love seeing all you do! I would love to see anything you want! I just enjoy your blog and your work!

  35. Fabulous dies! I would just enjoy more of the same on your blog. Great card ideas and innovative ways to use your stamps. I like when you show what others do with your stamps too.

  36. So happy that your blog is back and everything is working now! I was missing your posts and all the inspiration here! I'm glad to be a follower and subscriber! Don't change anything, Melanie! Just keep sharing whatever is inspiring you because it always inspires me, too! Thanks for the chance at the awesome blog candy, too!

  37. Thanks so much for the chance to win. I've been a follower for ages, through my google reader and love your work.

  38. so happy to see you back, Melanie!! Wow, love this new die!!! I saw it the other day as I was browsing their site, caught my eye because I thought it was unique. I love your cards and am always inspired by them. Also like tutorials of all sorts - can always learn something new! Hugs, Sharon :o)

  39. Hello again - I'm a subscriber, so this is my 2nd post. I especially like to see the different techniques for coloring flowers. Thanks and hugs, Sharon :o)

  40. Would love to see tutorials and tips on stamping.

  41. I have always learned from your blog and I like the mixture of art and that personal glimpse into your everyday life. I would like to hear more how about you create you stamp sets, what inspires you, what is the process?

  42. I am also a subscriber using Feedblitz to my yahoo e-mail account. I keep thinking I should change to my google reader but don't want to chance that I mess it up.

  43. Thanks for the generous give-away. I'd like to see very simple cards using your stamps.

  44. Thanks for the chance to win these fab dies.
    I love your blog as it is, and have been a follower for quite some time. It is always interesting

  45. Love following your blog, and really appreciate the video tutorials. I too would love to hear your voice on one in the future, A detailed tutorial on exactly 'how' you sponge would be wonderful. You must hold your hand a certain way, etc......because when I attempt it with the daubers it is a smeary mess!
    Paper Hugs,

  46. I am so glad I received all your updates today-just a little
    Every day I get more blogs updated-such a strange thing
    Glad your back and great giveaway sweetie.

  47. I would love to see videos,too,and of course, your flowers.
    Thanks for a chance to win the
    awesome Spellbinder dies.

  48. I ssssssssoooooooooooooo enjoy your blog, your tutorials are wonderful and your sharing of what is going on in your life and your faith in God our Creator. What would I like to seeeee more of...HMMMM - more of the above as long as it does not put toooo much stress on you. Your stamp sets are wonderful.
    OOO and it is ssoooooo goooood to have you back. I have missed you.
    Jean McGee

  49. PS I am also a subscriber.
    Jean McGee

  50. Wonderful candy -- would love to win these dies! I am a follower already and as to what I'd like to see on your blog -- Mel, you are so talented, just keep on being you and sharing your wonderful ideas they way you always do!!

  51. So glad you got this back!!!!!!! Great to see your smiling face!!!!!!!!

  52. It's great that everything is back to normal. What a great blog candy prize to win. I would love to see more of your stamps. Not necessarily the state stamps because I am from Australia but really anything you do is lovely.

  53. I love all the cool projects you do I am a visual learner so videos are great for me I became a follower and I LOVE Spellbinders hope I win thanks for the chance

  54. Thanks for the chance to win your fabulous blog candy give-away. I'd like to see clean and simple cards using your stamp.

  55. Thank you Melanie for a chance to win such a candy. I put the picture on the sidebar of my blog

    As for your blog, I always rejoice seeing your wonderful creations. So I would like to see more cards with flowers and mini tutorials. Although I don't have copics but I use watercolor pensils. Thank you for your inspiration!

  56. Wow, these are fabulous..Thanks for a chance to win.

  57. I'm not sure I can express how happy I am to have you back in my e-mail now. I really enjoy all you post. I love the inspiring stories that you tell and really love posts where you explain how you used stamp sets in very expected ways (like your butterly pendant post.

  58. I would love to see more coloring tutorials! Thank you for the chance to win! :)

  59. Thank you or this opportunity to win some beautiful dies. I would love to see some quick cards using embossing folders.x

  60. I am also a follower of your blog! Thank you once again!

  61. Hi Mel

    So pleased you are back :-)

    Gotta love that spellbinders die, not seen that one before, would love to see some more things like 3D projects and fancy cards made using spellbinders dies, and of course any of your wonderful stamp sets :-)

  62. Welcome back! Or should I say it is good to be back. Missed you while the feed wasn't working, but I think I am all caught up now :)

  63. I'm a flower girl, so i would love to see more flowers. I can't remember if you've created calla lilies yet?
    Honestly though, i just like to come here and see what's going on! I love that you share some personal things on here besides stamping like funny stories about your boys and your juicing adventure! I hope that that is still going well!
    And i will never forget the pictures that you posted when you visited a fellow stamper that you didn't realize was crafty? I can't remember the details, just the pictures of her spectacular stamp room! So gorgeous!
    Keep up the great work though, Melanie! You are so talented and just such a sweet and giving person!

  64. SO happy you are back up and running!
    You have so many wonderful ideas, I would love to see some more tutorials.
    Hope you had a great Valentine's Day! Hugs!

  65. It would be great to see more step by step instructions. They are so helpful. Thanks for some great blog candy opts. The star circle would be great for my girlfriend who is star-crazy! I signed up to be a follower.

  66. I like to see 'practical' uses of stamps. So for "anything but a card" items. Covered books, decorated jars etc. Mmm, maybe that will all classify as paper craft GIFTS. So grateful your blog was rescued.

  67. more ideas for using stamps on scrapbook layouts would be awesome!!
    thanks for the chance to win!!

  68. I'd like to see a few more masculine options....I have a husband and three sons. I run out of ideas quick.


  69. Videos are helpful. Love having you back! I already subscribe.

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. So glad your blog is running again AND I'm getting the feeds again!! I think you should do more of your awesome card "designs". Your layouts totally rock!!! *HUGS*

  72. I would like monochrome or any 2 colour ideas with your stamps (no colouring ;) CAS and QAE (Quick and Easy :)! Did not get the feeds but saw on FB. Your enthusiasm is contagious ;) Thanks!

  73. I love visiting your blog to see what wonderful new creations you have come up with. I love tutorials- (both written and video) so anytime you post these, I'm a happy camper. Now if only you could bottle your talent and sell that........

  74. I only aspire to be as good as you at coloring Mel...Keep those tutorials coming!

  75. I like everything you post!!! Especially your coloring!!! Thanks for a chance to win!!

  76. I've been a follower of your blog for quite some time now!!

  77. Thanks for a chance to win these Spellbinder dies! I love everything you do, so I can't thnk of anything I would want you to do. Surprises is best!!!

  78. I check your blog from the Stamp TV site and just now (I hope) signed up to get it direct. LOVE LOVE LOVE your stamps and designs! I am happy to see any tutorials you want to show us.

  79. I just found your blog and I'm a follower now! I've admired your work for such a long time. Yes, that means I've been a fan on SCS for awhile. I'm not sure why it took me so long to find your blog, but, here I am! You are fabulous!

  80. I would like to see tutorials on how you use copics. Your coloring is phenomenal! It can be in either written or video form, we'll take whatever we can get.
    Regina Hardy

  81. Ideas, Ideas, Ideas are what I love. Thanks can't wait for more

  82. I just love your blog and always look forward to your tuturials. What a handsome young man and so talented, must be in the genes. Thanks for the chance of winning the candy, more of anything that you share is great.

  83. Yaay! I am so glad your blog is restored Melanie! YEAH! I think everything you do is great, but 3-dimensional creations and treat holders always make me extra excited (like your pop up desk card? LOVE that!!) Thanks so much for the chance to win these pretty Nesties too!

  84. And I've been subscribed to your blog for a long time now. ;) Thanks for the extra chance! :)

  85. I view your Blog daily on Google Reader, now I am a folower.


  86. so glad blog was restored!
    and so generous of you to offer these awesome dies to someone (-:

  87. I have been a long time follower. I make a lot of Happy Anniversary Cards for people and would love to see more ideas for those. So often the anniversary cards are created for a husband and not to give another couple. Thanks for a chance to win.

  88. I am looking forward to everything you can show us. I follow your blog via feed burner and love every time I get an update. I would also like to see many ways on using spellbinder dies (don't own that many and only have a cuttlebug).
    Thank you for the chance to win.

  89. Just drooling over the state flower stamp sets!! I've been enjoying seeing other believer's sharing their faith on their sites. God is first in my life also. Just kind of found your site today. Keep walking with the King!!

  90. I'm always looking for new card ideas and/or tutorials. Anything you can share with us will be perfect though. Gotta say I love this new spellbinder set. It's awesome!

  91. Glad you've got things sorted and many thanks for the chance of winning those fab spellbinder dies.
    I would probably like to see tutorials also.
    Trish x

  92. Glad to see I can access your blog again! I wondered what that was all about...
    Thanks for the chance at the fab blog candy!

  93. I just signed up to follow also! Thanks for another chance! :)

  94. I am a subscriber and am always inspired by your blog. Could you do some videos showing how you make some of your beautiful cards? By the way, William is just adorable!

  95. Love your blog but in answer to your question I would love to see more of the flowers and nestabilities used with.

  96. Very happy to see you back in business! Ilike your down to earth creativity. Congrats on your book! Can't wait to get one!

  97. Wow! A Week w/o power!?! Keep up the great work.

  98. Oh, no JKB, sorry for the confusion, people weren't able to leave comments and then couldn't view my blog for a really long period of time, so I wasn't hearing from anyone. Now that people are visiting and commenting again, it feels like the power is back on, floodgates have opened! :)

  99. I love your blog. I have read it on occasion, but finally bookmarked it and now look at it more often. One of these days, I'm going to buy your book and stamp set and enjoy creating from the book. Those new dies look neat.

  100. I've been following your blog for quite some time and have it bookmarked as well. Thanks for all the inspiration and all the tips and tricks you share with us. I've recently purchased your book (and had to have the matching stampset) and I've been having heaps of fun making cards. I always refer back to the book for ideas! Those new dies look super cool!

  101. Melanie I'm so glad to see your blog again! I'm interested in everything you post, but I'd especially be interested in tutorials explaining how you've done something.

  102. Great to have your blog back, Melanie. I'm always inspired and learn something from you. Thanks for the chance to win the star circle dies. I'm sure you'll have plenty of great ideas for them.

  103. I just found your blog and I think that your cards are beautful! I know I am going to learn a lot. I'm just beginning to learn more about the Nestabilities dies and can't wait to make my own cards. Thank you for the opportunity to win and most of all - the inspiration.

  104. Melanie, so glad you got your blog back, I get inspired everytime I take a look. Your blog candy giveaway is beautiful, would love to win, keeping fingers crossed. I love to look at your photos, but would love to see tutorials of your creations and different ways to use your stamps. By the way I love your book, can't wait to get it.

  105. I have your book and stamps on the way. Can't wait to get started!

  106. I have been a follower of your blog for awhile now. Thanks for the extra chance. Took me awhile to get back to say that as I was called away.

  107. thank you for the chance to win the spellbinders new circle die...I LOVE everything you do...your picture tutorials using copics are awesome...

  108. Well Mel, I for one missed seeing your new work on my sidebar. I may not get to come and comment everyday, but I would at least be able to peek and see what you were up to. I am happy to report the photo finally changed on my sidebar! Woo Hoo! Thanks for the chance at the dies.

  109. Melannie, I finally figured out how to 'follow' your blog, lol, it was almost the very first option on the page!

    I love your stamps and also your cards, most of all I would like to see more of both using both as well!

    Have a lovely day and thank you for the opportunity to win some new nestabilities - drool :o)

    Take care,

  110. And - I love your templates/pop ups! They're adorable!

  111. I love love love your flowers. I missed your blog so much. Glad you are back. Keep up the wonderful work.

  112. I love your blog,Melanie so it's hard to come up with something different but more tutorials for using your stamps would be appreciated. I have a lot of your sets and I love it when I cna see how you use the stamps with "out of the box" ideas. They are so much fun to try out new ideas.

  113. I'm a follower. I get your posts in my email every time you post and I so appreciate that!

  114. Wow what a Cool giveaway love love spellbinders. thanks for the chance to win/

  115. Love ALL that you do especially the tutorials! You have such a creative flair and your stamps are so gorgeous!

  116. I love your blog! I like to see you color. some may think its boring but I've not been using copic's very long so I like to see the colors you chose. as well as how you shaded etc. thank you for a chance to win. I praise God too for your talent and willingness to share it with others.

  117. WOW you provide so much inspiration. These new spellbinders star circles are so very cute and you are giving everyone an opportunity to win a set. You are awesome.

  118. Thanks for the chance to win some blog candy. Hopefully one day I will actually win. So far have left hundreds of comments but....well someday :)

    Off to sub now!

  119. I like candy! I am a follower and I have most of your stamp sets! Love everything you do!

  120. Love all your sets, designs and cards and projects. Whatever you do will be appreciated and glad you are back!

  121. So glad your blog is restored! I love tutorials!

  122. Hi Melanie, I love your tutorials; I find them both educational and inspiring.

    What I'd like to see in the coming year? Probably videos. I find it easier to understand the info because I am a visual learner.

    Thanks for all you do!

  123. I am so into making cards. I would like to see more examples on what I can do with dies.


Your generous feedback helps make my work and this blog better! Thanks for inspiring and motivating me! :)