
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Praise the Lord!

It's back, it's back, praise the Lord!!* I don't know yet if I am still having trouble with my feed, but I am just so thankful I have it back, I may spend the whole day going through reading every post! (nah, not really, I need to go make some cards for it instead!)

Happy Valentine's Day!

I will doing some blog candy (Spellbinders!!) later today to celebrate BLOGGING and READING! :) Just waiting to find out how to have everyone sign up, I got an email from a reader who said she still gets my updates EVERY time I post so I need to find out how she is subscribed to let everyone else know to do that for my blog, too! Can you tell me in the comment section below if you still get my updates regularly and how your subscribe? (Feedburner etc? last week I thought Feedburner was the answer but got a response about automated queries, what?) help!

More later!

(Praise the Lord, praise the Lord!!)

*My blog. It was gone, you might not have even known :)


  1. I deleted the old blog and loaded this new. I still have Patti J.'s post from Jan. 19th showing on my side bar, but I can at least visit.

  2. So happy your back , I did miss your continuing inspiration :-)

  3. So glad your blog is back, Melanie! I am subscribed by e-mail, but this is the first e-mail I have gotten in a long time. Maybe it will be OK now.

  4. WOOHOOO!!! Awesome!! AND I got the update through feedblitz, an email! Also, got updates with google reader....says 21 new posts, lol! So looks like it working for me updating again! yay!

  5. Melanie, I've followed for so long, I don't remember how I followed you -- one of those Senior moments I guess! At the top of your blog is "follow, share, report abuse, next blog".. I just hit follow. Im so glad to see your posts again!

  6. So glad to have you back and guess what showed up in my email...your blog feed (from FeedBlitz)!!!!! I know it is a huge relief and so *not* deleting that strange gmail email addy I somehow signed up for, lol! :)))

  7. Received 21 of your blog posts this morning in my dashboard. Will take awhile to look at them all but glad to see you there again.

  8. Glad you are back. I couldn't even get on to your blog from my bookmarks. Lovely card today and I am subscribed through FeedBlitz.

  9. FANTASTIC! Congrats on your blog being restored!

  10. Yayyy!! I got your feed!! Woot!! God is good all the time!!

  11. I wasn't getting your feed for quite a while and then !Bam! - today I got 21 posts which go way back into January. Not sure what is happening, but I was so very glad to see activity from you feed again! Good luck in getting it all straightened out. I sure miss your posts when they're not there.

  12. Woohooo!!!! Doing the happy dance for you Melanie!!!

  13. Hooray! I just got e-mail notification of your new post. It's been missing and I have been missing it for quite some time!

    Happy Valentine's Day!

  14. So glad you were able to recover your blog.

  15. Oh good for you! I got this through email subscription!

  16. SO glad you are back up and running, and NOW I hear that Google is taking our Friend Connect away on March 1st! Egads, what is up with THAT? Anyone else hear it? I hooked up a new linky just in case....sigh. It's taken me 3+ years to break 300 and now I have to start over...ha ha ha! SO SO SO SO SO glad to see you here!

  17. Whoo hoo! So glad to have you back up and running!!! I subscribed through Feedblitz, and received your blog post through email!

  18. Glad to see that you got your blog back! I received an e-mail from feedblitz today for the first time in while! Praise the Lord Melanie is back!

  19. I am subscribed by email but have not received one in a long time. I received this one today from Feedblitz.

  20. I also received this blog through email from Feedblitz. Haven't had an email for a while.

  21. I get it by email. this is the first one in a while so glad your back!

  22. YAY Melanie! I have been accessing your blog via StampTV but you're back!
    I subscribe via e-mail through Feedblitz and this is the first e-mail notification I've received in a while. Glad you're back!

  23. Glad your back, I've missed you and your cards. I get this through email but this is the first one I've gotten in a long time.

  24. Gee Melanie I am so glad you are back! I had wondered where you had gone!! Welcome back! Looking forwards to seeing what you have going on!!

  25. I was missing you Glad you are back!

  26. I have been following through google reader but since the issues I don't get any text- just a title. I don't know if you have it set up that way or if it's just the issues rearing their ugly head :) I don't always have time to click on the blogs so the text was good for me.


Your generous feedback helps make my work and this blog better! Thanks for inspiring and motivating me! :)