A woman who works with her hands is a LABORER; a woman who works with her hands and head, a CRAFTSMAN; but a woman who works with her hands, her head and her heart is an ARTIST. ~ Louis Nizer
Monday, December 27, 2010
A Grand Calibur Christmas!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Heads Up, Free Coffee on Saturday, Merry Christmas!
That's right: On Christmas day, we're giving away FREE coffee, lattes, mochas, cappuccinos, macchiatos, and any other coffee drink from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at BOTH locations! (1401 Koenig Lane or 2200 Manor Road) No catch, no tricks, no fine print. It's our way of saying "Dude, you're freakin' awesome!"
Really, THANK YOU for a great 2010, and we hope to see more of YOU and your posse at Thunderbird in the new year. Now come sip on some free coffee! "
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Happy Christmas Mail!
This first is from Kary Lim using Gina's "Blessed is the Season". She has a suck a knack for mixing prints and I love how she'll crop corners of paper with a scallops or a punch onto another pattern to make a collagey looking print, love those pearls, too! (and the inside was as pretty as the outside!) The next is from Carla Suto, who used "Festive Frame" I love the glitter in the centers and the applique on the pine cones, it really makes the card! (Hee hee, I commented on this one in the STV gallery a few weeks ago, so she knew I liked it!)
The last is from Selma Stevenson, also using "Festive Frame", I love how differently they each interpreted the set to made the designs their own!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Chai Love You Forever...

The next card uses the girlier cup and boy (hee!) is it girly! Tiara and sentiment are both from "Little Tees". Aren't those sassy print and glitter fun?! Such a fun birthday card! That's how I like to start my birthdays, with a big cuppa that declares I am Queen for the Day!! *

Sunday, December 19, 2010
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Mega Dose of Cupcakes: Cards and Review!

Friday, December 17, 2010
Color Spotlight: Out of the Box style!

Thursday, December 16, 2010
Frisky Kitty!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Gifts for you!
I have several stamps sets to give out today instead of just one, I just had random.org pick the numbers, there was no way I could pick based on need, you are all so very deserving of a little "pay it forward"! So here they are, I need to all the winners to email me with their snail mail addresses ASAP, I will send you the set you requested in your comment:
Nicole said...
Beautiful card, Mel. I am most happy this year that it finally looks like my son's behavior is improving. We have worked with various services over the last few years (he turns 6 next month), and his behavioral acting out has been such a source of stress and pain. He is in a special program at the public elementary school (who I am very thankful for), and we are finally seeing him controlling himself and the joy that he is finding in being a "good boy" and succeeding. My heart about bursts when he comes home with another "green" day, and his cheesy grin and "two thumbs up."
And through all the work, I've found my calling and started back to school a year ago on my Master's degree, changing careers, to work with kids like Gabe as a behavior analyst. It's a scary time, with the economy, but I know God's hand is on this one, so I'm plowing ahead.
Thanks for your generosity. You know I love your poinsettias, and would love to have A Year of Borders. Happy holidays! May you continue to be blessed in the new year.
December 14, 2010 10:05 AM
Sandra said...
well as with many - we are all very grateful in our family for my husband being able to keep himself employed - he had lost his job almost 2 years ago, and as you know God works in mysterious ways - he has fallen into his current line of work - it has been wonderful for the family. With his old job we never saw him, we often ate as a family with out him ... his hours are more reasonable now - he starts earlier and his home earlier ... now we almost always eat as a family - and as a bonus - he usually cooks!
Thanks for all the inspiration Melanie (or should I say J hehe)!
I am still pining for "Wild at Heart"
December 14, 2010 8:45 PM
and finally,
Victoria said...
Without a doubt my best gift to myself this year was a sudden understanding of how to get fit and how to fit it into my life. I've lost almost 40 pounds and am 15or so away from my goal weight. This gift has given my family a happier, more active and energetic mom, wife, sister and friend.
I would just swoon if I won Mugs and Kisses. EVERYONE I know is a huge coffee freak and this set would come in real handy!
December 14, 2010 4:13 PM
Congrats, ladies!
I will be doing lots more blog candy in the new year. I get lots of stamps and freebies for my publishing work and have almost the entire Gina K collection of stamps now, so in the future I will be passing along lots of my earnings to YOU! My 3 year blogaversary and 3 year anniversary illustrating for Gina K Designs, are both right around the corner, so look for some fun stuff to celebrate! :)
If you didn't get the free set today, please take advantage of the generosity and many opportunities that Gina K provides to earn her stamps for free, through weekly challenges and our sneak peeks, she loves putting our images in the hands of customers who will enjoy them and post lovely creations with them in the STV gallery, as well as passing know how much they love our products! We are grateful it's not just our team providing the inspiration and eye candy, there are thousands of you who make the STV gallery what it is, and that's fabulous!! It takes a village of stampers to teach and inspire an even bigger village!!
A verse on my heart this morning is part of the focus of a women's conference I am attending in January in Austin, "Beyond Imagination":
"No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him." 1 Corinthians 2:9
Please pray and meditate on this verse today and ask God to reveal his special plans for you! Cast off doubts or worries about who think you are and ask Him to reveal who He knows you are! All things are possible!
Hugs and blessings!!
Simple Poinsettia
I will be back shortly with the announcement of the blog candy, I have not yet drawn the winner but I read every comment and it brought me such joy to know how abundantly blessed you have all been this year! I'm praying about you and your family's health, it makes me all the more thankful we have not dealt with any major health issues in our family, but I know those days will come and I will remember your strength and grace through those trials and how the Lord blesses the faithful. Thank you for the encouragement too about my blog, I am so glad to know it means so much to so many!
Helping out for my sons' year end school parties this morning (making cards, what else?!) but I will return soon with the announcement!
Hugs! Thanks for visiting!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
The Gift!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Sketch Spotlight #6
Friday, December 10, 2010
STV Color Spotlight #5

Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Blast from the Past with Brenda Turner!

Mugs and Kisses Inspiration: Double Time

Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Snuggle up...
Monday, December 6, 2010
Sketch Spotlight #5

Sunday, December 5, 2010
Beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
Friday, December 3, 2010
STV Color Spotlight #4

Please upload your card using the tag STVCSP4 to the STV gallery, hope you'll play and maybe win some free stamps!