Thursday, November 10, 2011

Blog Candy Winner

Thank you everyone for commenting and entering Tuesday's blog candy! Of course, you are all winners for making healthy choices for your life! These efforts to take good care of yourself will bless you, as well as set a good example for your loved ones (and most likely keep you on this planet longer for everyone to enjoy your company! :) Embrace these good habits and notice how much better you feel! (And remember to share your success with others, it really helps everybody!)

I used to draw my winning number today , but I have to say again really enjoyed reading all your posts and appreciate the good tips and encouragement you had! The winner is

Janet Z , who said...

Way to go Mel!!! I've started going to a Zumba class and I feel so much better!

November 8, 2011 3:15 PM

Congrats Janet, (I love Zumba too, wish they had it at my new gym!) please email me your snail address so I can drop the Spring Basket set in the mail, to you!

Okay, I need to go finish up and photograph some cards, as well as type up my story about how much I love juicing now! (Also, I just found and purchased another great HEALTHY deal to share with you!) Good stuff! Have an excellent day!

PS The year before I started I started illustrating, I worked out a LOT, two hours a day! Zumba was my favorite, I even was thinking I'd like to become certified as a Zumba instructor! I'm kind of glad that didn't work out though, (otherwise I probably wouldn't be illustrating), aren't you? :)

1 comment:

  1. Well I'm glad you didn't become certified either or I wouldn't be winning this awesome prize today!! Thanks Melanie. I've emailed you. :)


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